

LIFE - Is it just an accidental creation?
What is the anonym of life? Well, it’s not death. Birth is the anonym of death. Life is something that cannot be contradicted to any specific thing. Then what actually is the meaning of life? It is a quality or it something that distinguish us from non living objects. It is hard to explain but easier to understand. Life is a gift of God for religious people. Life is nothing but science for scientists. Why life? Is there any particular reason for a person like you to be present wherever you are and read this?

For me life is just a mystery. It is something that make this world beautiful and disastrous at the same time. What is this universe without life. Sounds boring right. Life is a mixture of happiness, sadness, fear, pain, etc... Is there any reason why life exists in this universe. Why did it start at a particular point rather than existing forever?

Everyone can have their own meaning for the term LIFE. Is the purpose of life intentional or everything was just a coincidence? Our life is constricted by some rules and regulations. No matter how hard someone try they cannot break these rules. Thinking in a scientific level we can understand nobody can break the rules of physics. The force, friction, works we do and everything is constricted by some unbreakable laws. There are exceptions in chemistry and biology. But is there any exceptions for these rules in physics? Even if there are some exceptions there are also reasonable explanations behind them. Who made these rules? How are they followed?Why is it necessary for these rules to be followed? If there are no rules the life ends there.

If we achieve a success today we will face a failure tomorrow. If we are happy today you will be sad tomorrow. These are also some universal laws that cannot be broken. There is something in this world that make sure nobody is perfect. No matter how hard you try you will be imperfect in one way or other. Who ensures all these things? Why can’t you change it as per your will? That’s why many people likes to believe there is a universal energy that controls everyone, everything and even a single dust particle.

Everyone's life is unique. Some people are excited about life, some are scared, some are curious. Why is it so different? Who makes it so different. Why some people wish to end it? Is there anything called afterlife? If there how does it look like? Will it be more beautiful or not that good?

What is the relation between life and soul? I believe that our body is not the thing that lives our life. Infact it’s our soul that is actually the basis of life. Your life is negligible on comparing to this vast universe. But still your life gives a contribution to this universe. The true meaning of life might be unexplainable. But it’s truly a wonderful creation ever existed and ever existing. So live life to the fullest.
© Aryananda