

The Science Between Arts
Chapter 2- Red head, green eyes.

Copyright © 2020. A_adewumi. All Rights Reserved.

I pulled my bag behind me, huffing and panting while my lungs burned for oxygen of some sort. I paused, doubling over to catch my breath in the middle of the walkway. The reception office wasn't far away according to the map I got a few minutes ago, but to my aching limbs and lacking of air, it seemed like miles away.

I was lucky enough to get a ride to campus from a nice family I never saw again after they dropped off their kids. They were freshers, just like me, but based on the conversation we had while being cramped in their small car, one was undecided while the other wanted to major in Human Resources; something about changing if the pressure gets too much.

"Move it, will you!" Someone not so kindly shoved me, their pink sneakers escaped my eye view as they took a sharp corner. I sighed, ignoring the other murmurs and grumbles of the students for me to move.

"Hey? You okay?" Someone asked. I stared at their white sneakers, not ready to raise my head at all. My lungs still burned for air.

"Hello?" I raised my head slightly, blinded by the rays of sun directly in my eye.

"Could you-" He nodded, moving to his right to block the sun from me.

I sighed, blinking twice to adjust the spots of darkness in my vision. "Hey."

I looked at the man infront of me; a typical red head with green eyes. I looked at the freckles scattered around his face, to the deep dimple on his left cheek. He wore Cargo pants and a white tee-shirt, a sunglass perched on top of his forehead. "Hi."

I dragged the bag towards the nearby bench I saw, seating on the cool brown wood. I laid my head on the bag in exhaustion.

"Hey." He repeated again. I sighed in irritation, raising my head to look into his green eyes.

"What can I do for you?" I asked. Too tired to care if I was being rude in any way, I just wanted him to leave me alone in peace.

He nervously chuckled, running a hand through his redhead. "Rude." He muttered under his breath. "I'm Ryan."

I looked at his extended hand, shaking my head at his overly niceness. "Kenzie."

He smiled brightly, the freckles on his face were more noticeable. I was forced to smile with him, it was contagious for me to plainly frown on him.

"I'm not into girls if that's what you're thinking." He chuckled again. "You looked exhausted, so I just want to help you."

We laughed, walking into my dorm before shutting the door behind us. The room wasn't big, but average seemed small for it.

A double bed was pushed to one side of the room, a nightstand, dresser and someother furniture I didn't recognize was close to the right side.

A plain bed was towards the left, a nightstand, dresser and a study table with chair. A walk in closet joined the two beds together at the center.

"It's really-"

"Nice." I completed. We giggled, placing the bag beside the plain bed. He sat on the bed, bouncing on it for a but before nodding in satisfaction.

"It's sturdy enough for you to do the dirty." He wiggled his eyebrow.

"I'm not doing that." I covered my cheeks, hiding the blush creeping up. "Aren't you going to your dorm?"

"Nope." He laid on the bed, crossing his arms begin his head. "I live in an apartment with my partner."

"Partner?" I confirmed. "Wow, but aren't you a fresher or something-"

He laughed. "You should have seen your face."

I frowned, unamused by his joke. "Really, Ryan."

"I live in a frat house. It's really good if I want to, you know."

I coughed, ignoring his attempt at winking. I've been with Ryan for two hours and I've noticed two dominant things; one, he can be a whiny brat, even worse than a two-year-old, and two, he has a nasty mind.

"Um, hey there." We turned our head to the opened door. A girl with dyed pure red hair and dark eyes stared right back at us. Her black leather miniskirt barely left anything for imagination, while the cheetah print crop top exposed her pink bra each time she moved slightly.

"Thats your roomate??" Ryan whispered. I nodded, my jaw wide open.

"She's hot." He whispered loudly.

"I know." She popped the gum in her mouth. "The name's Liv."

That's chapter two. The number of votes I get will influence my updates.
So vote! vote! vote!
It'll be easier to get the next update if you follow, but if you know you can get it either way, fine by me.
Comment! That helps me shape up the next chapter, to know if you liked it or not.

So 10 votes equals Chapter 3.

*Don't even think about copying my book for any reason because I will find out, I will hunt you down and I will sue you for everything you have.
Don't think becayse you're far away doesn't mean I won't know, I will find out.

*I'm not a professional writer, so there will mostly be spelling errors, maybe a bit of punctuation or something.

That should be it.

Bye for now