

Life is a journey that is full of opportunities. If only we would all make use of these opportunities .
We all have or had dreams and ambitions in life since we were a child when one of our elders would ask, "What do you wanna be when you grow up"?
We all have given them our own answers, some really meant it , some not , some didn't even understand how serious that question was.
But as we were growing up, most of us started to understand the meaning of it.
Some stick with their childhood dreams, some have change of heart and a different dreams , but at this time is when we start to really understand that we need goals, not just dreams in life.
Because dreams without goals is like an airplane without a pilot.
If we don't know where we are going then we won't ever reach our destination.
But in order to turn those dreams into reality, it'll be alot of hardwork, straight commitment, and discipline that only a few manage to maintain till the end.
Some give up because of setbacks and settle for the easier life, some will be influenced by the choices that their friends choose, and wind up following the same path just to fit in.
They are like sheep who only follow what there shepard says.
They won't even question whether the choice they chose will lead them to their final destination.
They don't discover their true self because of the fear of being left out, so they just follow what others are doing in order to be accepted. But those who truly understand the meaning of success and what their dreams is about, they are the true masters of their dreams and success because they won't just follow what the majority is doing , but they question every decision before finalizing it because they have clear goals and they know that in order to reach their destination they got to be brave, and challenge every decision, they are not afraid of being left out, or being rejected by their friends. But they walk alone and fight for their dreams till there achieved.
They are their own masters by right and instead of following what others are doing, they forged their own path to get to their dreams and discovered their true self during the journey.
For them they don't want to settle for an ordinary life or to just fit in, but to fight for their dreams till the end without quitting so they can live a life without regrets.
Someone once said "Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations."
With that being said remember to always fight for your dreams, till you achieve them.
Never give up, even if you have to walk alone, because the pain you suffer now is nothing compare to the joy when you finally succeed..
© kristy ellison flake