

if zombies where real
it was 2021 the power went out becuase of the lighting. it was cold around 14 hours later it came back on. i heard a news reporter say zombies i thought it was a si-fi movie but later that day i saw it a zombie with ripped clothes. there where hundreds of them eating people. miltery tanks started coming out blowing up building and zombies. crimes where the highest it has ever been. people looting and stealing it was a mess. the placed we call home is being destroyed. people started to defend blowing up zombies but it was almost impossble. and the war started. a week later over 70,576 people got effected by this walking virus thing. animals where getting infected to. we couldent eat alot becuase of that. we had to eat plants to survive we wernt allowed to go outside. the military gave us lettuce and fruits and grapes yum. zombies had flooded the world people had to go to high building just to be safe. but the military was about to use bombs people had to go into bunkers. the bombs made more mess. the citys where filled with toxic waste new types of zombies started to come out. they learned how to run and climb up stuff. doctors started to try to develop a vaccine. they failed 3 times after 1 month of this 866,841 people where infected. chapter 2 soon
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