

Mom I kept my Promise
My name is Zahid
My fault is I'm a muslim and to add adversity I'm from Kashmir.
I as other young people around the world was enjoying my life happily and earning my days by driving a truck to and fro Kashmir to Delhi.
My mother, my soul, i loved her more than my life everytime i went on my job she used to call me every now and then, knowing the fact of circumstances we are living under Indian Occupancy, and would be pleased to see my face everytime.
She would advise me.. " Wuchu Jigra pane kami seth gache kam thavin... panas gachi ne sanui kuni... che chukh mei achan hund gash.. agar kahn kahn kehn wane teh panas gache chope karen... lajye panin mouj wandith"... " Listen my child always mind your business don't pay heed to whatever is happening around... if someone says anything don't respond... you are my beloved may you get my age "...
In the past week, as usual, i went outside state with my truck and on return at Udampur some people whom we don't know and who don't know us... we have had never any argument or business with... then why i don't know, during our sleep, attacked us.. dragging us out of sleep and began to beat us like animals.... we cried, we begged but they were incarnated by devil himself... what they were upto.. what they were indoctrinated with.. i don't know. .. then they burnt our truck and attacked us with petrol bombs.... we were admitted to Hospital in Delhi and yesterday i breathed my last crying to have a glimpse of my beloved mother...
I can hear from my coffin... your wailimg my mother... I'm sorry my love... i kept my promise. I didn't indulge in fight or discussion... i even didn't eat beef... still i was attacked by someone i dont know.... I'm sorry mom i couldn't answer your calls... Im sorry Kashmir you have lost a business day today due to my death (perception of majority people) but this is none of my fault... i didn't do anything still i was burnt alive.....
My fellows you will feel sad for few days and then forget like you have forgotten others.... but my beloved mom will die everyday a new death... on evey marriage she will cry... " Gash ha wandai myane mahraazo walo... zoo panun chei demai mynae mahraazo walo.."... (May my light be bestowed to you my ready groom, come back, Let you take my life oh my ready groom, come back).

© mirakhtar