


Vedanta is not a religion for particular people. It is the way of life we live.The meaning of vedanta is the end portion of vedas which contains universal truths discovered by enlighten people(seers, sages).These truth was revealed in deep meditation. To follow the spiritual discipline vivekananda suggested four yogas. By practicing these yogas one attains truth in his life
The four yogas are:
-Bhakti yoga(Path of devotion)
-Karma yoga(Path of action)
-Raja yoga(Path of meditation)
-Jnana yoga(Path of knowledge)

-The greatness of swami vivekananda is that he has perfectly harmonised these four yogas in his personality
-Before discussing about yogas I want to discuss about emblem of ramakrishna mission(Observe the above picture)

The water in the picture are symbol of karma, the rising sun of jnana, the lotus of bhakti. The encircling serpent is indication of yoga and the awakened kundalini shakti, the swan stands for paramatman. The ideal of picture is karma, jnana, bhakti, yoga, the vision of paramatman.

To be continued...

© Teju