

Heart And SOUL
July scattered flowers lavishly over the meadows and mountain slopes . Golden - rod formed strips of bright orange , splashes of scarlet were added by the fire - weed , fragrant white clover frothed in the fields . There was a scattering of purple betony and pink hollyhocks , while " Tsar's Candles " raised their golden heads on the cliffs at the foot of the mountains . Over the blossoming fields flowed honey - scented air ; a heady fragrance came from the wild almond - trees , and the raspberries ripening in the sun . Bees wriggled into the

delicate flower - cups , bending the stems under the weight of their velvety bodies as they emerged dusted with yellow pollen . The hills about the valley were splashes of green ; to wards evening the pungent odour of the pines was wafted down from the mountainsides , and the birds sang uninter ruptedly It seemed there was nothing but joy in the world . But Grunya's soul was as empty and desolate as a forest after . an autumn storm . She noticed that Rodion had thrown himself whole - heartedly into his new undertaking , giving all his time to it . From the barns to the threshing floor already extended a line of fresh - hewn poles erected to form letter A's , and from morning to night could be heard the blows of axes , the whining of saws , cries of " Come on ! Strike it again ! " , and the shouting of small boys . Rodion was rarely seen at home ; he slept in the hayloft and left to join his brigade before sunrise . Grunya felt that he was avoiding her . She could not imagine how they could ever talk to each other again after that memorable encounter in the meadow . She longed to be free of this wearing un certainty , and kept repeating to herself , " I must come to it will be . " some decision , and then everything will be easier - surely One day , when everyone else had left , she remained alone to spend the night in the shelter . At home the strained silence of the old folks and Rodion's mournful glances were more than she could bear . She spent every free moment with Pavlik . In the evening she would put him to bed and tell him stories . Every time she came home from work she would gaze anxiously into his searching eyes and listen suspiciously to his childish chatter . She feared that by a careless word Rodion might destroy the bonds of confidence uniting them . Would Pavlik ever forgive her if he discovered that Rodion was not his real father ?
© Connect2Jawed