

The Midnight Prowl
Chapter 7:



Once I entered the blazing vortex I was overcome with a massive wave of heat but it didn’t bother me in the slightest. “Where are we,” I asked Lumiere, looking around at the burning plains of barren land “ We are in a simulation of our former homeworld, MOLTOVIA.” He said looking around. “Oh right, forgot,” I said, Just then six giant magma, rock, looking, figures came up out of the molten lava in front of us and behind, surrounding us, their massive bodies casting an intimidating shadow over us. “What the hell are these things!?” I ask, shocked. “I believe these are called Moltens; they were the protectors of Moltovia but they were extinct long before you were born so how can they be here?” Lumiere said, sounding unusually surprised. “Well, it is a simulation though.” So what do we do now? I thought to myself. “Say these words: ‘FOR MOLTOVIA!’ These words will summon your weapons into existence but say these words first: ‘EMBRACE THE FLAMES OF MOLTOVIA’ and we will combine and become a flaming fighting force! This phenomenon is called familiar convergence” Wow, that’s a lot. So as the Molten attacked I shouted: “EMBRACE THE FLAMES OF MOLTOVIA!” Suddenly I burst into flames as Lumiere and I combined. My skin suddenly grew a thin coat of auburn fur, My tail grew two times its normal size, and my canine teeth grew into sharp fangs, and a strange ferocity overcame my senses, like a primal instinct of some kind. Then I said: “FOR MOLTOVIA” and my Sword which I named
Soria which means ‘Eternal Flame’ in Moltviana, my home planet dialect. Appeared at my back, my twin daggers Sunshard and Blazefury at my hips ready for a quick draw. The Molten came at me I dodged and struck, Soria slicing clean through one of the creature’s arms the monster bellowed in agony a sound that trembled the ground beneath me, I sheathed Soria and once more I shouted: “FOR MOLTOVIA!” and my bow, Phoenix, and arrows appeared in my hands in bright white-hot light.
I dashed away from the Molten, put as much distance between me and them as I could, stopped positioned Phoenix pulled an arrow out pulled backed aimed, and fired, the arrow split into three fiery arrows and hit three Moltens in the face with point-blank accuracy, their carcasses blowing up “Got’em!” I shout, a smile beaming on my face.
My celebration was short-lived as the other three creatures advanced, closing in on my position. “Twilight lookout!’’ Lumiere shouted in my head as the monsters came at me ‘I know, I can see them!’ I thought back at him as I pulled another arrow out of my quiver and fired, sending one of them into oblivion. The other two somehow figured out what I was doing and They combined, and made a giant Molten monstrosity, making the other five Moltens look like play toys, “What is that!” I asked in horror. Lumiere said, “That is called a Mega-Molten, The Molten’s defense when they sense that they are getting picked off too quickly. You’re gonna have to fight it with your sword. The arrows will only piss it off.” Ok well that’s great, I thought sarcastically as I put Phoenix into my quiver, Once more I unsheathed Soria and leaped into the humid air and attacked slicing the mega monster’s head off with one clean fiery slash and landing on my feet in one quick motion.

Much to my dismay, the creature's head regenerated. “What in the name of Moltovia just happened!?” I asked Lumiere. “I don’t know, usually that would have killed it. Something seems to be powering it, I couldn’t sense it before because of the other Moltens but now I can sort of see what’s powering it. Looks like an orb of some kind, you’re gonna have to hit it in its center where the orb is, I’ll tell you.” Lumiere said with dismay. The Mega-Molten roared, its cry shook me to the core.
“Okay let’s do this!” I shout preparing to strike again. The Mega-Molten launched its attack, shooting magma at us, I quickly dodged and jumped at it, Soria ablaze with the flame that promised destruction to whoever crossed its path. As I swung Soria, I focused on where the orb was and struck, the already humid air turning ablaze with heat coming off me, the monster screamed its agony as my blade pierced its very being.

The Mega-Molten was mega no more, as the monster disappeared, in its wake was the orb that strangely looked just like the one I saw next to David’s car wheel.
I went to pick It up and when I touched it I felt a strange sensation flow through me and a flash of red light appeared then disappeared and in its place was a place I've never been to but somehow feels very familiar “Where are we at Lumi?” I asked him, a little worried. “We are in the Ruins Of Moltovia.” He said as we disconnected from each other my skin returning to normal once more.

© cooljaxon22