

Folk Tale for KIDS : Don't Cut Trees.
2) Folk tale : Don't Cut Trees.

"A long time ago, there was a farmer named Mali. One day, he went to the forest to cut down a tree. As he was about to cut it, a bear appeared and stood in front of him. 'Why are you cutting down the tree, Mali?' the bear asked. 'If you cut it, many bears like me will lose our food and shelter. The bees will also lose their honey, and the birds will lose their nests. Even humans who come to rest in the shade will be affected.' The bear's words struck a chord in Mali's heart, and he decided not to cut down the tree.

As he walked further, he saw another old tree and wanted to cut it down. But a flock of birds flew down and started chirping loudly, 'Don't cut down the tree, Mali! If you do, we'll lose our homes and food. The animals that come to eat the fruits will also go hungry.' An old bird even came and scolded Mali, 'You're being selfish and greedy. Think about the benefits of the tree.'

Mali felt ashamed and returned home. That night, he heard a strange noise outside. He went out to check and saw that someone was cutting down the tree in his backyard. He got angry and caught the person, who turned out to be his own wife! She had told the person to cut down the tree without Mali's knowledge. Mali was furious and scolded his wife, 'Why did you tell him to cut down the tree without asking me? Don't you know how useful the tree is?'

His wife apologized and said, 'I did it for the money, but I won't make the same mistake again.' Mali forgave her and realized that the tree provided shade, fruits, flowers, and a home for many creatures. He decided not to cut down the tree and instead protected it."

This is a folktale that highlights the importance of preserving nature and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

© Writer Sindhu Bhargava