

what happened part 1 :the happenings ( based on true events)
it was a beautiful day "Pierre" and I had just got back from the driving range.We did ok, Pierre is 25 and was a jock all threw high school,"he did much better then me.I'm Maurice I'm 20 years old and all threw high school I smoked weed,cigarettes and dabbled with all the fun drugs.I was a delinquent in and out of jail.At 17 I had my daughter with my "high school sweet heart" .as you would expect it didn't work out well we broke up in six months and took a year to be civil for our daughter.That's just a little about me.

After the driving range we called a cab home to drink and wait for friends to get off work to do our nightly routine.drink,blunt,bar,coke and home for the night till the next day.(I know right shit life).but today and recently like the past week or two ,Pierre and Maurice have been off they feel like someone is watching there ever move from wake up to pass out drunk.they see the same car when they get home across the street with someone in the driver side.

Sometimes the car will stay sometimes it pulls away as soon as they get home.5 days ago Pierre and Maurice came home to there a.c. pushed in to there house nothing was array and nothing was stolen.I remember feeling a bone chilling chill as we walked the creaky house.Both of us as silent as the nevada dessert waiting to hear someone move around.....But nothing.

We looked threw the whole house and the only things out of place were the air conditioner and the front door was not open but unlocked and we always locked up.

So we get home pull in, pay our fare and for some reason our followers are no where to be seen.I feel weird a gut feeling Like your first kiss but bad.we walk up to our door my heart is pounding Pierre seems like he doesn't notice or have a care in the world could have been the six we drank at the range but me I feel gloomy.

We get inside crack a beer I tell Pierre how I'm feeling,and with out notice we hear someone pull in the driveway.Just as I was feeling better and my heart rate went back to as normal as it can be with how I treat my body.I go to get up but my legs are tingly and feel like they can't hold my wieght ,my hearing dims and my mind races, Its like I have tendonitis for a second till I hear Pierre open the door and mummer some gibberish till I got up and moved closer. It's a guy with a red car very similar to our good friend Bob's car but I pay no mind "my car broke down" he says "do you mind if I park here till I get a friend to come fix it" ,he pauses out of breathe "I had to push it across four lanes to get it here safe" with desperation in his voice.

"Ya no problem" Pierre says "ya want a beer"
the man snickers and declines the beer. I looked at Pierre told him with my eyes to go inside,"good luck ,if your buddy doesn't show up let us know" I said to buddy as we proceeded inside he replied with "oh he will show up he owes me " in a frustrated voice.

me and Pierre are inside being cautious of this stranger in the drive way as we drink and listen to music texting our friends.Not even 5 minutes go by when we here someone pull in our driveway fast almost mad and we hear "hey there you are I thought you said you fixed this thing just like the last four time" says the man with the broken down car in a very angry voice "I'd told ya to get the good part BUT NOOOOOOO" replies a slurry, raspy and rough voice.I look at Pierre he looks at me wide eyed as he usually is but this time wider, and I looked at him and say "ya think we should go out there tell them to chill and get it fixed and leave" Pierre quick replies "ya ya that's probably a good idea" .

So before I really jump in to things let me give you a little more back ground on Pierre and myself.First Pierre as I said he was a jock he left his brother to live with his dad 2000km away from his brother mom and stepdad. he made his choices cause he grew up around our dad till I was born and then my mom ran from our dad cause of his drug and crime problems and tried to give us a better life in beautiful British Columbia. that went as well as a Mexican stand off cause at the time our mother was a alcoholic .but always did her best we moved from b.c to Alberta when I was 5 Pierre was 10 and that's when my dad came to fight for us and in the end me and my brother had separate choices and he picked dad I picked mom .sometimes that's just how it is and all things work out for a reason as you will see in our story.So Pete moved to Ontario and left Maurice to look after mom.Pierre was strong and made a good life a reputation in Ontario in hopes that his brother will come join him and his ways one day. Pierre excelled in hockey,soccer,baseball and lacrosse he also did all sorts of good stuff for his high school for the special needs and academically disadvantaged kids .all the way to fund raiser and all sorts of awards .

Pierre found him self on top of the world and to add to it he finds out at age 15,5 years later that his dream is coming true his brother is coming to Ontario just as he planned but not all things go as planned.but as I said they sure are ment to be .

so well Pierre was doing amazing in Ontario and lived with our dad's sister cause unprounced to my mother my dad had spent 3 years in jail and left Pete with his sister .which wasn't the worst but wasn't what Pierre was thinking would happen .Just like Pierre never expected his brother to go threw all the thing I had to go threw with drunk parents and moving everywhere .

So once they reunited they where two completely different people .I smoked at ten was rebelious and thought I knew everything .I had a hate for the world and thats why we where so different and I feel he was disappointed a lot but still would always love his little bro.I went on to be a bad as and he went on to be a jock and we never really reconnected till I was seven teen and had my daughter and I straightened up and got a job . Pierre fell into a deep psychosis due to a break up and a sports injury that disabled him from pay sports ever again.
but hey we reconnected and got a place together so we could work together to help with my daughter and get her once every month .things were amazing for us once again till these past few weeks and the up coming events .

P.S I'm going to release more chapters tomorrow sometime if you all like my writing and story so far
Thanks for your time