

Mind numbing pleasure courses
Ecstatic bodies melding into one entity
Two souls colliding within a power struggle
Vital sources clashing between reality and fiction
Sounds of ecstasy echo inside an isolated chamber

Cameras focus in and out of the erratic movements
Observers take detailed oriented notes
Every moment written with extreme clarity
Lights begin to flicker inside the isolated room
Tremors vibrate throughout the facility
The climatic event is about to occur
Sweat and blood intertwined between the subjects' bodies
Male and female conjoined as one
A being of the unknown is created

Placid eyes glance at the recording cameras scattered around the room
Screams of success resonate about the observatory
The creature remains still as men of power celebrate
Each memory and thought floods the creature's mind
It can read the emotions of every corrupt man
A sadistic smirk crosses its neutral face
One observer catches the blood curdling eyes of the creature

Screams of agony fill the isolated building
Blood splatters paint the walls
Flesh and bone furnish the gut littered floor
One observer left alive to die a slow agonizing death
Remembering the time he asked, "at what cost?"
His final thought turns hazy
© Kamen1