

Papercut bliss (chapter 4)
So, Hey guys now finally i am back with another chapter of papercut bliss.
Hope you all like it let's begin!!

First read chapter 1,2, and 3.....then you can understand.

Sydney = Okay. okay, Three tequila shots, got it!

Sydney = Three tequila shots, please. make them all double!

Barney = Got it. Three double tequila shots for Sydney harrin! here they are all on me. it's my pleasure to serve a gorgeous supermodel.

Sydney = Aww, you are too kind. but thank you so much, I'll never forget this.

(Sydney drinking very fast).

Barney = whoa, slow down girl. you don't want to lose yourself that quickly.

Sydney = No honestly i am not going to lose myself. thank you.

Barney = Barney.

Sydney = Thank you barney.

Sydney = Hey, hey, hey, i am back!

Blair = three tequila shots?

Sydney = Done. all double.

Blair = Good, you'll need it.

Sydney = Why would i need it?

Blair = Because... AIDEN!! HERE!!

Sydney = Shocked...

Aiden = Hey, sorry, my flight was delayed. but i guess you never got my message, huh suger cube.

(Sydney tried to run but aiden hold her hand)...

Sydney = Now, i have a story to tell you. you want to know why i am always so clingy and needy. why i can't stay single for more than a few weeks? why do i always need a man by my side? i wouldn't say that he's the very reason, but he's definitely the first one who started this chain of irresponsible dating and stupid heartbreaks.

Sydney = AIDEN BYLE. A businessman who lives in Miami, but whatever reason is now here in front of me. holding my arms tightly so i can't escape him for the nth times in our lives. talented, a little bit wild, but still extremely responsible. A family man who would do anything for his loved ones. can be a bit persistent when he wants to. Also MY FIRST LOVE...


(But before we dive deep into it, why don't we go back to the very beginning? To how it all started, when it was still all nice, sweet, glitter and diamonds....)

So now you all going to know what happened with Sydney.... hope you all exited... that's it for today's chapter...

To be continued......