

DEMON SPAWN THE IZO'S ALIENS or the ice creatures
Back long ago
in time before
our days and age
there lived ah
ancient civilization!
Thus these days and ages
were mostly better off
forgotten about some
would say but i that i say
i show you ah way
about the proud good
and postive and struggle
hardship and even ah
happy ending.
These ancient civilizations
were on ah planet called
ferdatrance it was ah alien planet
there lived demon spawn
angel spawn and higher ranks of
title and degree these aliens were
IZO'S for they all were from
this planet there lived all colors
and diffrent looking and different sexes and life was pretty much like our earth when it came to the planets survival of its lifes and creations bugs and animals meat waters vegetables and all source of the goods to keep life pretty much never dieing but these ancient civilizations on this planet had wars every year almost every other month destructions but no loss of life just
your every day steam plow or herd of warriors like elphants runing through walls knocking buildings and trees houses and such soon they knew they would have to stop all this nonsense cause they were running out of supplies of the natural planet to keep life from never dieing so
instead of the wars they came up with something else thus this is where the proud come in.——————————————
Now they knew they had to stop these wars for there proud boasting like children playing nerf battles now remember they could not die for death didn't exist yet on their planet so instead they came up with a tournament everybody had to compete nothing extreme it was stuff everybody had to do and everybody had there place in this tournament
it was running for those who could run hustling for those who could hustle basically it was what everybody could do on this planet they all had teams but there would be no violence or destruction being that there was no death there was no hurt and being no hurt there be no pain so this really wasn't a issue to be said they knew no fighting no hate no fuss all peaceful positive stuff.---------------------------------------

thus this tournament was once a year and all would be forced to do there part and even be paid for it wether they liked it or not the rest of the year they train remember they needed no job for everything was naturally there and plus it was anicient civilization and no stores or shops were set up really like talking about cause it was all destroyed and not fully restored yet and that was what this tournament was all about .-------------------------------------

To put good back into the world to restore and heal so no death would never exist for remember they were almost about to feel the process of losing there immortal shield of the planet there are many shields over there planet but we're just discussing one thee immortal shield "now pay attention!!" "Are you listening?""Why you!" now where was I " ------------------------------------

See after so many years of fighting and never dieing but almost capable of risking of accidentally making death exist they knew war was no good with each other let that be for other planets that would dare attack this planet for they were all on the same team IZO'S they were and when it came to HAVEING to do war they were all demon spawn battle born they were but lucky and good fortune comes to the IZO'S they couldn't get alien visitors due to how far there planet is the very bottom of space way below earth instead of going up out and straight into space you had to go up out and down never could any planet go this forbidden direction even if could beast of all giant kinds would grab the rocket ship and swallow whole what the aliens call there gods and devil's for even there alien gods and devil's were one both yin and yang twins many and many twins .--------------------------------------

Thus these IZO'S finnaly learnt this without there help other planets would not fully evolve back to there proper states of no deaths or destructions and all perfect world's like you know Earth's heaven almost every Earthling belives in ah heaven if I was from earth I believe in ah heaven to I could here ah IZO say so any way they visited other planets to try to help other planets leaving behind there techs and knowledge it was up to the planet what to do with it and learn how to be with it if they pass ah test the IZO'S would leave more tech planets started to do bad would IETHER hopefully straighten up or eventually kill and DESTROY itself off thus many planets didn't pass the test in many galaxies I believe even Earth's galaxy there are a few planets that have been DESTROYED Yes ?--------------------


Many planets were destroyed all except EARTH and ah few more but earth can't get to till it heals more and gets restored more
so the IZO'S SAID and in order to heal Earth has to pass the IZO'S forbidden knowledge I say forbidden for it was only known to the IZO'S and like I said there knowledge of immortal was a must but even IZO'S secretly on earth are loosing there powers of immortal due to the damages being done it was taught to a few secret earthlings the ways and wisdom of the IZO'S but the power was slowly being lost on earth so the IZO'S on earth are becoming more human no longer ah IZO but not human IETHER but mortal .--------


© Brandon Earl Byrum