

You say I support you but it's a two way lane because I'm returning what you've already given me, countless times at the edge of an unclear path my unease and and fear you lifted with your energy.

No matter if we are separated by oceans, continents, or the universe itself, I know one day again I will have the privilege of myself reflected in your eyes.

I swept down their towers, destroyed everything they loved or held dear in my anguish.
Hate bred in my heart and yet it could never cease the pain left in your place, my insufferable excistence replays making me go on.....

I created boundaries I forgot how to cross.

You in all your versions are all I ever sought to extinguish the fire that consumes the world endlessly in a cycle I can not stop.

I'm the point of light that all run from in a single moment as it all crashes down to dust no matter how hard I've tried to cease my wrathful heart.

You are all it ever took to make it calm but even now I know that to make it stop I have to throw myself away.

But I'm too scared to know what it feels like when I know the heart that carried it's love this far can no longer shelter you from the tangled arms of beasts that don't see you as I do.

Ive turned the world over again and again keeping them off their feet trying to teach their selfish hearts to see beyond their cages.

Do you still trouble your heart with their careless existence?
You always stood between the glossy eyed and the cliffs they walk themselves over never caring they were pushing you off with them.

Yours are the only hands I gave myself for because yours were always holding the pain of other too cowardly to take on their task.

Until you can think only of what makes you smile my place will be the destroyer of false realities that keep you from seeing it.

© CM