


It was new year’s eve. Grace placed herself tightly under the comforter and hit the sack at seven ‘o clock. Grace’s mother Evelyn was busy baking her mixed penny cakes and a huge chocolate cake covered with white and chocolate fondant. Evelyn was at her best in baking cakes. Her cakes will not only be a feast to our tongue , but also to our eyes. Evelyn thought of calling Grace as she was in a mood to visit St. Paul’s Cathedral. But she didn’t because she was waiting for her cakes to come out of the oven. She gently took out the cake from the oven and placed them on her glass table covered with beautiful roses. The cakes were ready to serve. She went to Grace’s room and turned on the light. Grace was comfortably sleeping beneath her comforter. Evelyn thought of not disturbing her and she went back to her bedroom. And she wrapped one of her best clothing and set foot to St. Paul’s Cathedral. Grace was still asleep. And there was depression behind her sleep. Grace was very much worried thinking she wasn’t having any special talent. But, she was filled with many talents. She was just unaware of it. She woke up from her sleep put on her overcoat and her flip flops. She turned on the heater. She went in search of her mother. She was distracted by the aroma of the cake in the table. But , she was not willing to taste it. She put her heads down and walked through the veranda. She saw everyone laughing and giggling , but her heart was filled with sorrow. People were happily roaming which made her to think , “ where can be happiness bought ?”. She thought to herself. She took out her hand mirror and saw her face in it. She was unhappy even with her appearance. She threw away the glass on her bed. By that time Evelyn arrived home . After an hour ,George entered . He was an enthusiastic and an hard working man. Grace’s father, George has planned to take them to a restaurant. He removed his shoes and placed them on the rack. He untied his tie and by removing his collar he went to the kitchen and hugged Evelyn from her back. Evelyn's cheeks turned out red. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her on her forehead. Then, he went to Grace’s room. Deep in thoughts and face filled with sadness, she was sitting with her legs crossed on her bedroom. George was shocked to his child like this. He went and sat beside her. Grace as soon as she saw her father, she fell into his laps and started crying. “ Oh, my dear, what bothers you? Please be calm. Don’t cry.” And he wiped out her tears. “ Am I not fit for anything dad?” asked Grace. “ oh dear, what makes you say so? You are the gem of my heart.” “ I have not got any talents . I’m useless. Then how can you say me as your gem? . George was really shocked at the same time happy because, this was the first time where Evelyn thought about herself. Still now, she was very lazy and will not do her works properly. She was the last student in her class. George was happy as Grace began to think of her. George did not utter a word and stood up. He went to their veranda , and asked Grace to come. He told, “ I’m happy that you thought about yourself for the first time. My dear, talents are given by god to everyone on this earth. Some make use of it and others lose it because of their laziness or some are yet to find their talents. Make it very clear that, Happiness is the root cause to success. You must be happy and whole heartedly to your work. If you do, then it transforms to success. Don’t go behind talents. Be happy and do your works with passion, that will give you a different kind of satisfaction. That just can’t be explained in words. By doing this, you will definitely be the most happiest and successful person. Just have it in your mind that balancing happiness and success is the best kind of thing. It means a lot. Come, see happiness is everywhere. It depends on the way you see it. If you see the shoe maker sitting right there, can you feel the magic in him ? In spite there are of lot shoe shops, with great advertisement and infrastructure in this street, he didn’t leave his job. If you see him clearly, he makes his shoes with his own hands and are one of the best in London. That is because he has a passion and commitment in his work. This is just a small example, dear. If you see, there are a lot more.”. At that moment Evelyn enters the room. “ Are you both not hungry? Come let’s have our dinner. Oh dear you have not even changed your clothes when you came back from office? . Come dear”. George replied “ we will be there in ten minutes.”

Dad, “ will I be the first in my class if I study with happiness and passion?”. George smiled. “ yes. Surely you will. Thinking to be the first is not important. Taking steps and implementing it matters. Don’t utter, I will do it. Always learn to say, I’ve done it. Grace felt great about her father and hugged him. She again fell into his lap but this time , it was of happiness. George adjusted his ring on his hand thinking, whether the end would hurt her chin. Grace realized the true essence of happiness. Her father went to change of his clothes. Grace went to her mother and hugged her. Evelyn was very happy . George came to the dinning table. The family was ready to have their dinner. They sat on the chairs and prayed the lord before they started to eat. Grace prayed to the lord “ lord thank you for this day. And thank you for making me realize the reason behind my birth.” Evelyn prayed to the lord, “ God ,thank you for making me a mother for the second time.” And finally, George prayed “ thank you lord for giving me such a beautiful family.” Everyone opened their eyes. Evelyn told that Grace is going get a younger sister! . George's eyes was filled with tears and went to kiss her. Grace's happiness can’t be explained in words. The family delightfully had their dinner. Each went to their rooms . Grace slept with a heart filled with happiness. Evelyn and George was happy to see that. That new year’s eve made a remarkable memory in each one of the person in the family. That new year blossomed happiness..

Every day is a new beginning, we learn new lessons , we get new opportunities and new life. So, it is us to make every day special.