

The Drive
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic
what is my destination and where im headed to the twisty windy roads of redemption. My foot floors as i look in the rearview mirror, my soul has stopped. My heart has dropped i sit in silence as the traffic light turns red. His words burrowed my mind swam like fishes. Cut deep like a knife cutting through cake. Am i that easy? who would have been caught so easily the moment he took my breath away. His ominous blue eyes and square jaw his soft lips. Not to mention his gentle laughs and the antics i caught a glimpse. In a snap of a finger he had some power over me is this actually love or is this revenge? It is still a mystery, but slide a few steps back and see what is lingering. The traffic light turns green. My foots on the gas pedal sure as hell , I'm not looking back. But on a drive to set out for truth.