

Being a Geographic student I learnt that agriculture is the backbone of any nation. It's scientifically proven that a man can go without food for 21 days and history have proven it to us. Mahatma Gandhi survived 21 days of complete starvation.

Food,water and shelter are the basic needs of human. I heard lot of people say foods are God and we shouldn't throw it but hardly heard someone say we should thank the farmers next to God for the grain that's going to fill our tummy.

They are fighting a up hill battle.
Ain't going down until the sun goes down.
Doesn't stop fighting with the weather.
Be it scorching sun or heavy rains.
They works against all the odds.

We give so much respect to the foods.
So why can't we respect and honour the farmers too.
If they stop working,we are going to die from starvation.
Please don't down look on the farmers and their families.
They work with so much determinations and hardworks.

Crops and grains they cultivate isn't miracle.
They put their life on the line for it.
Doesn't care about the destinations but keeps loving the journey.
Such are the souls and spirits of the farmers.

They makes their living not by luck but with their hardwork.
They ain't born fortunate but makes us feel fortunate.
Their actions speaks louder than words.
Such kind hearted are the farmers.

Seen many saying that if they wanted to become a farmer then why did they study till now.
That's where it pinches my heart how people lowly thinks of farmers.
One should be proud that if one becomes a farmer then it's going to benefits millions of people.
It's ain't about the post but how many life's they makes.
Please be kind to the farmers.

We prays before having that grain.
We thank God for it.
Give some of your prayers to the farmers too.
Why can't we help a farmer as a gratitude in returns for their contributions.
If anyone come across a farmer who's having times to make the end meets.
Help them please.
Your one kind act is going to benefit millions more.
© Sonam