

An open letter to those who feel unseen, unheard, and misunderstood:
An open letter to those who feel unseen, unheard, and misunderstood:

It’s painful when it feels that whatever you do is not enough. You often feel like you are not good enough. I understand that there are times when all the efforts you pour into something are never acknowledged, when the hard work you put in goes unnoticed, and your feelings are invalidated as if they don’t really matter. It feels like no matter how much you give, no matter how hard you push yourself, it isn’t and will never be enough. You feel that your best is not enough because people don’t see what you do. You might even be questioning your worth and blaming yourself, doubting your capabilities and abilities, and wondering if there’s something wrong with you because, despite everything you’ve done, things aren’t going your way.

I know it’s really hard, and the weight of that burden is too heavy to carry. Nonetheless, I still want you to know that even if your efforts and progress are never seen by other people, you are doing a great job. The progress you’re making may not always be visible to others, but that doesn’t mean you are not important anymore. You are winning those silent battles that others don’t know about. You are holding yourself together and hoping that things will get better when it is easier to crumble and to just give up. It takes a huge amount of strength to keep going and to keep standing when you are tempted to fall down. That is already a win and something to be proud of, even if others don’t recognize it.

I hope we all get through it. And when that day comes, I want you to know how genuinely happy I’ll be to witness you succeed and rise above everything you’ve been through. It may look like a simple accomplishment to some, but I know that it means a lot to you. I hear you, I see you, and I understand you. I am proud of you!

-Hamas Saqi
© Hamas Saqi