

Death Bed [mini scenario]
He had asked me, „When will you ever learn, my dear?“
I looked at him then, confusion all over my exhausted face. „What are you talking about?“ My tears stained on his T-shirt, shoulders and arms, though all he had cared about was me.
„I see it in your eyes, that embarrassment of you crying,“ His hand had shifted to my rosy cheeks, still stained from tears. „But as I’ve told you before: I’m here for you and you don’t need to be embarrassed for being yourself. I don’t mind your tears; I don’t mind your anger issues or that giddy grin of yours that you do every time you‘re about to explode from happiness, no, I don’t. I love those moments.
„That’s why I love you. I’ll go through whatever you’re going through, whether it’ll be tough, difficult and sometimes even impossible, I will be there. I’ll follow you everywhere, I’ll protect you from every idiot that thinks he could cross your way and even bring him to his death bed if you want me to, my love. Okay?“
I looked at him in that moment, those beautiful eyes that never lie. Those beautiful ocean pearls that have taken over my heart in matter of seconds… I, I couldn’t keep it in anymore, my chest heaved up and down rapidly, as if trying to breathe in all these emotions that were about to trumble out of me. It felt like the whole world had been against me all my life until this moment, like I’d finally found the person that was ready to build a new world with me. A world meant just for him and I.
I looked at him once again, my vision began to blur within seconds as my throat began to close up… I couldn’t keep it in any longer, this tiredness suddenly took over my already exhausted body, until I collapsed. His warm hands hugged my shaking shoulders, arms of his traveling down, around my waist to my belly and quietly caressed the spot just above my belly button.
I started to cry again.

© Dorothea.S
