

Warrior of Vistia -Part 6
Lia and Flora went inside the building. It had a small garden with sweet smeling flowers. Flora knocked on the door. A boy that looked about 10 years old was standing at the door to welcome them. He had brown spiky hair and big light brown eyes. He wore a bright red t-shirt and light blue jeans.
"This is my apprentice Jacky." Flora said.
"Hello girly. Nice to meet you." Jacky said as he wiped his nose on his sleeve .
"Eew! Stay away from me you snot sleeve." Lia shouted.
Jacky came closer to her to tease her.
"Eek! Get away from me. Flora do something. He's going to get all his dirt on me." Lia complained. Lia ran in circles around the room to get away from him and he followed her . Flora started laughing . " Don't just laugh there, help me." Lia said. "Alright Jacky, that's enough playing around. Did you finish the work I gave you?" Flora said.
Jacky finally stopped chasing poor Lia and answered " Yes I cleaned them well till I could see my face on them. "
"That's a good boy." Flora patted his head and headed towards the basement. "Come with me Lia. "
They went down the dimly lit steep narrow stairs. There was a wooden door with a heavy lock at the end of the stairs . Flora used a beauitiful round key to unlock it. The door opened with a loud squeak. The room inside was very bright. They were blinded by the sudden brightness. As their eyes adjusted to the light, they went in. It was a big room with many weapons hanging on shelves. "Jacky sure did a good job of cleaning them . They are shining brighter than ever." Flora said. "I don't see any bulbs or lamps and stuff here. Is the light coming from those weapons?" Lia asked. "Yes, it is. Mana powered weapons are bright." Flora said.
"Do you want me to pick one? I'd like to have a machine gun. Those are pretty cool." Lia said.
"Unfortunately that is not how it works. Not all weapons are going to be compatible with you. The compatible weapon shall feel very light when you pick it up and it shall stop glowing until you intend to use it." Flora explained.
"Hmph I hope the best one is compatible with me." Lia said grumpily.
" The one that's compatible with you is going to be the strongest in your hands." Flora said with a big smile.
Lia picked up the strongest looking machine gun. "It's very heavy. It must be pretty powerful." Lia said excitedly. The gun fell on one of her foot. "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" She cried while jumping on one foot. "I guess it was way too much for skinny little me." She tried to pick a light rifle next. She couldn't even get it off the shelf. She tried a pistol next. It was heavy, but she managed to pick it up without dropping it. It did not stop glowing. "I'm afraid, this one isn't meant for you." Flora said. "It will work, I'm sure. I can hold it. Is it loaded? Let me try it out." Lia said. Her eyes were gleaming in anticipation.
Flora sighed "Did you forget that you'll loose your mana and decrease your soul's life by using it unnecessarily?"
"But then how do I know this will work? And how will I practice?" Lia asked.
"Just listen to me, Lia. It needs to feel as light as a feather and it will stop shining in your hands. This one is not for you. Put it down and try another one."
"Ok" Lia mumbled, kept it back and tried the other guns. None of them worked. She was disappointed and worried. She started picking bombs and those didn't work either. "Well, blowing up things isn't my style." She said with a sigh. She tried the bows and arrows next. They didn't work either. She tried spears, hammers, axes and strong looking swords. "Nothing's working. I'm doomed. I can't save the world without a weapon. We're all going to die." Lia was almost in tears.
Flora put her hand on Lia's shoulder "But you haven't tried them all, have you? Don't give up without even trying. There are plenty of good weapons left."
"But none of them look good. They are just knives and a toothpick sword." Lia said.
"The toothpick sword looks quite pretty, why not try that?" Flora said.
"No way. It looks lame. Look at how dull it is compared to the others. It looks more like a magical girl's wand than a proper sword. I'd rather take those stupid knives. Do you think I can steal weapons from my foes?" Lia said as she tried the knives.
"I don't think so." Flora said. After trying the bigger knives, she picked up the smallest knife and it fell on both of her feet. Her feet became red and swollen. She moved away from the sword and knife area and sat on a stool next to the entrance door.
"Oh dear, are you alright?" Flora said as she went to check her feet.
From the corner of her eye, Lia saw a beautiful bright pink light. She looked up. The thin rapier that she rejected was shining brighter than all the other weapons. "That must be the one. It was dull because you were standing next to it." Flora said as she got it for Lia. "See, it's dim again. It will work."
Lia picked it up. It stopped glowing. It felt as light as a feather. It looked like a normal sword in her hands. "I guess this will have to do. It's not that bad. At least I can hold it. I don't know why, but something tells me this sword can kill a person with just a little scratch. One little scratch on any part of the body is all it will take to stop their hearts from beating. It is covered in a poison so deadly that it will kill a person as soon as it in contact with his/her blood. I have no idea who or what told me. I picked it up and heard someone say this. I know it wasn't you." Lia said . She was very confused.

"That's good to hear. It's your sword that gave you that information. Some weapons do not tell their owners anything at all. Your's seems to be a helpful sword. It's the best mana powered weapon that a human has gotten so far. The first boy got something like the first machine gun you took. It didn't tell him anything. During the war it didn't stop firing and it drained all his mana away. You're very lucky." Flora said. Remembering her former trainee made her eyes wet. She patted Lia's head and forced a sad smile. "Don't look so upset. I'll definitely win, I promise. " Lia said . She smiled with her white teeth showing.
. . . to be continued
#warrior of Vistia

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