

My daughter.
Throughout my life I worked so hard, from childhood to this mid thirties like studying, being a gentleman, getting a good job, not disappointing my family, most importantly being a good father and so on ...

One day I had a lot of office stuff to do, so for the hundredth of time I broke my promise. Yeah It is very normal for me because my daughter at last only end up being cute. She is so cute my little lady love.

Of course I was feeling bad for her, she is so small to hurt, she is just 4 years old.

But that particular day was different she shed two tiny tears from her very gorgeous blue-green eyes and that was enough to wring anyone's heart, mine wasn't exception.
And she said to me "dad, why life isn't fairytale? Do some magic and be a good dad, please dad I also deserve a good dad, everyone have one belle, Elsa, mermaid and many."
She shed two more tears, throw her softy (a white teddy) and run away. Maybe from me or my helpless self.

My broken heart asked to me, where my all hard work gone?

Live present because it's beautiful and yes, life can be a fairytale if you will try. We can do magic to make our peoples happy. All hard work and effort will go to vain if we don't live our precious life with our loved ones.

Everyone can relate this story, who love and care for their peoples.♥️♥️♥️