

I nearly missed
my Fajr. The corruption nearly threatened to ruin my day before it even began.

What else could be the result of not sleeping on time?


I showered and prayed and did my daily taxi thing, dropping off the runt of the litter at school.

I was sleep-deprived and didn't want to do any of it, but I didn't want to miss my Fajr either, so the power of Fajr fueled my morning.


I returned home, and although there was a monetary respite, there is no rest for the wicked, I had a hearing to attend, an opportunity to save nearly two hundred dollars I parking ticket fines.

The corruption had not left my mind, but it weighed less heavily on me, for mine mind was idle no more, I had tasks to tend to and money to save, nothing more I'd rather do than save money, especially from grubby fingered parking po-leeches. Duck the po-leech!

The opportunity to access copium is as plentiful and as easy as is breathing, but this time, I found and intrinsic rejection to the very notion of doing so, much to my pleasant surprise. It portends a good outlook for how today's battle against the darkness will go.

This is my fourth entry today. You could say this is my new copium, and while it is not entirely untrue, it is also not entirely true.

Writing, first and foremost, is and has always been an oft-forgotten and rediscovered refuge of mine, providing me with a creative outlet, while also allowing me an opportunity to engage in deep introspection and self accountability.

It has been far too long since I last wrote a thing, and that is just one more of the reasons why I fell into disarray since my last major victory, a satisfactory score in yet another in a seemingly long lost of never-ending licensing exams.

I intend to write consistently, a sentence or two throughout the day, or a short entry at day's end, if only as a way to capture small daily triumphs and the ensuing got-shai'-done feels.

For instance, I saved money today, disputing the parking ticket, al-ham-do-lil-laah.


I wrote a whole lotta words too. I'm gwtting buzzed off all this writing, haha, I'd forgotten how good it was to be able to put pen to paper and capture and make sense of the chaos within.

Let me do some studying now, get some more of them got-shai'-done feels.

Mission Failed.


© Laddies & Journeylmen