

A Woman Scorned
The scandal could ring the death of his career. The naked woman in his bed lay with unseeing eyes staring at him. He stood over her with a knife in his hand and no memory of who she was or why he had killed her... his mind was completely blank. Who was this woman and did he kill her?? And if he did...why?? All these questions went thru his head but no answers. Was he drugged and set up by someone? But who? He couldn't think of anyone he had pissed off enough to want revenge this bad. To frame him for murder? For the love of god! He just couldnt think who would do such a thing.
He looked down at the woman lying there, eyes open but blank. There was no life in them. There was blood all in her blond hair and all over her chest. He counted 14 stab wounds. Jesus! Why was this happening to him? He had blood all over his robe. Wait. Where am i, he said out loud but to himself. He scanned the room. Assessing everything he came to the conclusion he was at a very expensive hotel. What brought him here with this once pretty woman? He sat down to ponder.
How long ago did this happen? We're the police on there way? He would loose his job and spend the rest of his life in jail. He got up to go to the bathroom and clean himself up.
As he was washing his hands, he remembered vaguely a party. What party??? The New Years Eve Party! At work!! He remembered now! Last night was New Years Eve! His wife, Lauralee, had so been looking forward to dressing up and attending the party with him but when he arrived home from work she was in her pajamas on the couch. Kleenex balls all around her. When he.went to bend down to kiss her , he noticed her nose was red and chaffed. He touched her for head slightly with the back of his hand. She was burning up. Lauralee looked up at her husband and with tears in her eyes, said " oh honey, I dont know if I can make it to the party. Of all the times for me to get sick! I am so sorry John. I think you will have to go without me".Damn, he probably should stay home and look after his wife. But he had been looking.forward to this night for 3 months! The owner of Johnston Manufacturing was going to announce the new Vice President at the party tonight! Only 2.canidates, Melvin Sites and himself. He had to go.
John kissed his wife on the.head and told her to rest up and that he would be home before midnight to ring in the new year with her.
John stared off into space as he sat there in the hotel room, racking his brain for the rest of the details. He dropped his head. All at once the scenerio leading up to now flooded him. Like a damn that had been filling up and the damn opened up and gushes of water all at once came out. His memory was flooded with the events that had transpired last night . He shut his eyes tighter. The woman lying there dead was Marjorie. His assistant . He had been having an affair with her for 3 years. She wanted more. She wanted him to divorce his wife amd marry her. He told her from the beginning he would never do that. Did they have an argument over it? And he killed her? Dosent seem logical at all. And no one knew of his affair so if he didn't kill her then who??
A ton of bricks hit him. He gulped for air. His wife. Lauralee. She knew. She did this somehow. She framed him! She must have been plotting this night all year! But Marjorie lay there dead. Why kill her? At that instant he heard a faint ringing of a phone. He.looked over at the bed and saw his cell phone lighting up with each ring. He walked over to it. It was Lauralee. What.time was it? looking at the clock on his phone, he saw it was 3:30am. Shit. He was supposed to be home before midnight. Should he answer the phone? Damnit, what to do? He answered it. Hello? he said..silence from the other end which seemed like minutes was only seconds. Then she spoke. How was the party darling? She sounded amused. He said it was fine. I drank a little too much and pulled over to sober up a bit and must have fell asleep. Lauralee laughed . And laughed
He said , kind of angrily, what's so funny? Lauralee said, well I guess since you are the main character in this story I should tell you that you wont be ringing in the new year with me. Or with anyone for that matter. You see, John, you played me for 3 whole years while you were fornicating with that pretty assistant of yours. Taking her on overnight stays to our beach house, buying expensive gifts for her and so much more. Actually, I gave you several opportunities over the past few years to stop but you were so wrapped up in work and in your affair that you didn't even notice the signs that I knew about your dirty little secret. So, of.course you could not see that I was plotting my revenge. I took out a 500,00. life insurance policy on you 2 years ago. It covers all accidental deaths . And I started being overly nice when I called your office and spoke to Marjorie probably 15.times before she agreed to to to lunch with me. We became instant friends. I then persuaded her to help me destroy you for half of the insurance money. John looked over at the bed. Too stunned to speak, his mouth hanging open, he almost fainted. Marjorie was sitting up.on the bed,.smiling amd waving at.him. She had faked her wounds and her death!!! OMG! She and Lauralee were partners in crime! He like to strangle her little lying freaking neck til she had no breathe left in her!! She.blew him a kiss to him. for God's sake! Little Birch! He murmured..Both at the same time, Marjorie and Lauralee laughed . Devilish deep laughs... They were going.to kill him!!
He panicked and.looked at the hotel room door,.wondering if.he could make a run for.it. In his ear, Lauralee said, " Dont even think about it. If you walk out that door we.have proof of your affair as well as you embesselimg money from the company to the.tune of.2 million dollars in the last 6 months ,Marjorie did.a.great.job leaving a paper trail that leads straight.to you..so thank you John for the extra money.. we will spend it wisely..and they laughed again..Life in prison would not suit you John. said Marjorie. But the choice is yours. Two choices here..You.can walk out the door amd face the music of.embesselment and loose everything including your life because once you get.there we.have it.set up for you to die.at.the hands of Carlos and his shank in your throat..Or...door number 2...You can walk over to the balcony and.stand very close to the edge amd the loosened bolts on the gated balcony will pop loose and you will fall 21 stories to the concrete Lauralee chimed in... Up to you. she said.Either way Marjorie and I win and you my.dear sweet faithful loving husband. So what.will it.be John? You have exactly 60 seconds to choose before we choose for you.
He was defeated. Either way he dies. And they get rich on his death. Fuc---- women! Manipulating, backstabbing, evil whores!!! He should have known! But he was too busy enjoying the best of both worlds to see this coming.
John walked over to the nightstand, poured himself four fingers of Hennessey, and as he was crossing the room he gulped it all down, opened the sliding door to the balcony and you could hear the creaking of wood breaking apart and then seconds later a thump down below. Poor John. He should have thought hard before being so deceitful. His momma should have told him the consequences of A Woman Scorned.

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