

Priceless Treasure
The old, treasure chest lay exposed when the storm retreated. It was made from the wood of an ancient English oak tree. The hinges and lock were made of iron, and they were rusted with age. The side of the chest had a slight gash in it. The waves crashed around and against it. Small sand crabs scurried passed it, and a scruffy white mongrel ran up to it and began snuffling all over and around it.
"Dash? Where are you?" called a young feminine voice in the distance. The dog briefly stopped sniffing and barked loudly several times. Then, it went back to investigating the chest. A short time later, swift feet ran along the shoreline and stopped short beside the dog.
" Wow! It's pirate treasure!" The little girl exclaimed.
"Daddy! Come see what Dash has found!" She shouted at the top of her lungs.

Too be continued....