

Fear of the Known
That familiar feeling of dread when you are forced to go back into a
situation that previously scarred you is so underrated, like you just
know you're going to get hurt again, in the same way as before, and
yet due to circumstances you have no other choice.

Fear of the Known is even worse than fear of the unknown because you
clearly know that this is going to take you down horribly, but you
still need to go back to that place, or to that person. Most of us are
stuck in a repetitive loop of dread, relief and dread again. When will
this end? Maybe never.

Every time you're stuck in the hopeless cycle of life's blues, just
know that there will be a way out. The worst storms will pass and the
days will clear out, or so they say, but not before those same storms
have swept away that house of yours- with all your hopes and
everything else you ever lived by. You will be lost. But God, Life
will heal itself. Life will come back together again. Slowly. The days
will go by, with you thinking that there is no change and you're still
stuck. But you need to keep digging. There is no infinite tunnel.

© fairydustnebula