

Holy Sandra chapter seven
My dad was dead. How? But we were going out together to a place in his car. I don't know the place. I don't remember anything. How could he be dead?

"Grandma but Dad took me to a place. A beautiful place yesterday. I told him that I wanted to stay there with him. I asked if that was his house but he just smiled and told me to go back. How can he be dead when he looked so young. He showed me around the beautiful house. It looked like a kingdom. A kingdom made with beautiful gold. He told me to go back." She explained remembering how her father sent her back.

"Sandra, you need to leave. It is not your time. Please, go back. We will see each other soon enough" he said but I was really sad. Why was he sending me away? Why was he pushing me away? I have no place to go. I don't know the way back.

"Your grandmother is waiting for you. Go back. We will see each other soon."

That was how I came back only to find myself in the hospital. Also, to hear that my father was dead.

The tears came down like rain from the sky. Knowing that I have no father nor mother only my grandparents. They are already old. I was even scared to leave with them. I don't want them to die too.

Then the Holy Spirit whispered in a still small voice. "Weeping endureth for a night but joy cometh in the morning."

But how? I thought feeling like all hope was lost.

"But they that wait upon the Lord. He shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary and shall walk and not faint" The Spirit comforted me and once again, divine peace came to my heart. I felt joy in my heart.

I sang in the hospital bed smiling.

"Almighty God, my Redeemer and I will put my trust in you. There is no else like Jesus. No one can stand against you. Your word is always on my lips. Your word is written in my heart and I will praise you with a new song. My soul will bless you Lord.

When I'm weak, you make me strong. I was poor but now I'm rich because of the power of your name. All things are possible. All things are possible. All things are possible." I repeated the song over and over again with grandma singing along with me.

But the doctor kept wondering what kind of girl will do this during this period. How could she sing after hearing what happened to her, about the accident and her father's death and could still sing? He was touched and went back to his office begging God for mercy. After his daughters death, he blamed God. He told God that he won't serve him but after knowing Sandra's life, he went back to the God begging for mercy. He loved her faith and trust in God.

Meanwhile, Ryan looked at Sandra in admiration. Even in this situation, she kept praising God. He looked at her as she sang and he didn't know when he started singing along.

"Grandma, who has that beautiful voice?" Sandra asked smiling. She was captivated by the man's voice.

"He's Ryan Anderson. He saved your's and your Father's life. But your dad couldn't make it. He brought you here." The old woman explained.

"Anderson. You mean the twenty six year old bachelor that owns both an hospital and a company in California." Ryan was surprised. Surprised that she knew him.

"Yes, I am the Anderson. But how did you know about me?" Ryan asked surprised.

"You are quite popular in school. All the girls in my school admires you. I haven't seen your pictures but they said that you were really handsome. I wish I could see you to thank you properly. Your voice is beautiful. You sing well. Thank you Ryan. I can't thank you enough for saving my life." Sandra said gratefully.

"You are welcome. You sing beautifully well too." Ryan complimented her.

They started talking and laughing happily but the old mother just watched them and smiled.

Mean while, in the devil's chamber, the devil and his agent were listening to their conversation.

"We need to bring in lust immediately or we will lose this battle." The devil said. The agent were looking confused wondering how the blind girl could lust after a man that she can't even see.

"But she can't see at all. How would she be able to lust after someone she can't see?" One of the agent said.

"She is already admiring his voice. We will do something about the eyes." The devil said and they all laughed.

Sandra and Ryan kept talking but suddenly something happened.

"I can see" Sandra shouted happily.

She could see but something caught her eyes. The handsome young man.

"Grandma, is this Ryan?" She spoke out.

"Yes I am. Nice to meet you Sandra." He took her hand in his shaking it and Sandra knew she was in trouble. Serious trouble.

Thanks for reading. See you on Monday.

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© Faithfulness Celestine