

Heartless Sweetheart
Help others even when you know they can't help you.
《 Days Later 》
Elena - Hey did you heard a new student will be joining us
Hazel - A girl or boy ?
Elena - We are not sure i hope we can be friend toh
Hazel - yeah it will be great
Girl 1- Hey hazel you know that the new student is actually poor
Girl 2 - I heard that his parents died in an accident and he work in a cafe
Hazel - oh my thats terrible
Elena - Hey shall we go take a walk class won't start now
Hazel - Oh sure lets go
《 Hallway 》
* Got dumped into someone *
New kid - ahhh umm im really sorry
Aiden - watch out kid ughh
New kid - im really sorry im really sorry i wasn't looking and-
Ember - hey aren't you the new kid
New kid - ah yes i just got here...
Aiden - look up
New kid - Uh..* look at him *
Aiden - heh nerd * reach out and drop his books *
New kid - um..* trying to pick up*
Aiden - boy's take him down...come on bae lets get out of here
《 With hazel and elena 》
Hazel - Ah a fight?
Elena - Probably those seniors again
Hazel - let's go check it out
Elena - No we are not- * look around * ehhhh wait upp
《 Later 》
Hazel - Ah! what the-
Boy 1- Isn't he the new kid ?
Girl 1 - i wonder who-
Girl 2 - I heard it was aiden
Boy 2 - shhhhh his girlfriend is here
Girl 1 - Didn't they break up ?
Boy 1 - shhhhh
Hazel - * run to the new kid * hey can you get up ?
New kid - Ahhh im sorry i didn-
Hazel - hey hey i won't hurt you...
Elena - what in the world happened here ahhh blood
Hazel - someone call the teacher and take him to the nurse office dont just stay there
Boy 1 - yes let me carry him
Hazel - yes please
《 After sometime 》
Teacher - * Walks in *
Students- good morni-
Teacher - Keep standing....Now tell me who was the one that beated the new student..is that how you treat others!
Girl 1 - * Raise hand * umm miss
Teacher- Speak
Girl 1 - Umm..its actually our senior..
Teacher- how do you know
Boy 1- umm i saw them beating him when i was on my way-
Teacher - And you didn't do anything about it
Boy 1 - ......
Teacher - ah i can't with you guys
Girl 2 - Miss i heard aiden telling some boys to hurt him
Teacher - oh okay take your seat everyone ill talk about this to the principal hazel can you meet me after class
Hazel - yes miss
《 After class 》
Hazel - Wait so you want me to take care of the new kid or what
Teacher- yes now go to the nurse office
Hazel - But- i-i ahh
Hazel - Ah can't be help well ive to go now
《 At the nurse office 》
* knock *
Hazel - umm may i come in
Nurse- yes whats the matter
Hazel - umm the teacher want me to take care of-
Nurse - oh yes please do i got some works please take him home too
Hazel - Ah- but i-
Nurse- take care byeee * waves *
Hazel - 💭 can't get anh worst 💭 umm hi
New student - oh umm hi
Hazel - how are you feeling now ?
New student - much better
Hazel - oh i never got your name may i ?
New kid - oh um it's grayson...how about yours ?
Hazel - nice to meet you grayson its hazel * smile *
Grayson - mh..ah what time is it ..?
Hazel - 3 : 45
Grayson- ahh ive to get to work it was nice meeting you but ive to go * stand up *
Hazel - Ahh be careful
Grayson- uh- * fall over hazel *
Hazel - um...
Grayson- Ahhh i didn't meant to i ahhhh
Hazel - are you okay ? umm * held him up *
Grayson- yes i am good and im really sorry
Hazel - Ah its fine you shouldn't walk that fast your legs still hurts umm lets me get you home
Grayson- no no its fine i can go alone
Hazel- the teacher kept me in charge if i don't she will definitely kill me
Grayson- haha okay then...
《 Later 》
Grayson- oh we are here umm thank for today
Hazel - Its fine go get some rest and..if those guys bullied you then feel free to tell me
Grayson- uh yeah sure thanks
Hazel - nighty byeee
Grayson- oh byee
|| Ahem lets see what happens next heh||
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