

Rosalind's journey of class 9------------- part 1
First day of school

It was her first day of school and in the first day itself a strange incident happened so let's see what it's.
" Hey , Rose don't you feel something strange." Richita exclaimed at our principal who was walking in the corridor jui like a zombie I replied her ," That's only I am thinking.'" Attention please, we are going to watch a video in the smart class as the order of our principal. " Miss Cushman said . And while we were going we saw that many students were coming out of the smart class and they too were like zombies- strange and unconcious but living .So she and Richita thought to return as something was wrong there but their teacher didn't allow them to do that. Finally they were there in the smart class and the video was getting to start. And what they see the video was of...........😰😰😰 ------------------- to be continued pls comment me