

Little Things
Little Things:
Have you ever came across the concept that being in relationship "little things " matters more. A relationship becomes easier and. Smooth once we start realizing the little things. This season has given me the thought that happiness is not always thinking about the same thing being together, it's good to help your partner to achieve what he planned for his happiness .it is rare in a relationship when we start thinking about happiness on the individual basis. Kavya and Dhruv are the personalities who were together for five years, they fought on silly things, they argue much but the thing that remains constant among them is ' love ' and ' trust'. A good relationship defines these two things when we love a person with his flaws and trust him when nothing happens right. There is one more thing in the season which helps me to get the true meaning of a relationship. " kavya was talking to her mother on the phone when Dhruv came back to Bombay after completing his six-month research. She was feeling a change in their relationship, Her Aayi called her and she discussed that something is missing among us. Her mother illustrated her one thing, it's good to figure out your happiness and it's best to support your partner when he found his place of 'happiness' it gets worse when we stop our partner to grow if you positively inspire each other you are making your relationship strong". The idea crossed my mind, where do I help my partner to enjoy that freedom, Am I the good support in his life or not.
'Little Things' was not a season to me, it's a learning process for me to develop those thoughts which are important for a long relationship. The best thing is to be natural and give space to your spouse when he needs that. You don't need to react differently when you are not feeling right, You don't need to make efforts to please your partner. You just need to be true to your intentions and stay together. This is called love and this shouldn't be changed.

© M's Pen 🖊️