

The Proposal
My eyes started hurting. I closed my laptop and went to wash my face. 10-12 hrs studying in front of screen is taxing and taking toll on my health too. To relax I sat in the garden of our hostel gazing at sky. The night sky was covered in clouds no stars but still soothing. Phone rang and broke the silence.

"Hey we are planning on going to vishwanath temple to see the night aarti. Come fast"
"Not even asking that wether I am down or not"
"Come on I know how much you are studying change of pace is important for you dude"
"Give me 10 min I am arriving near your hostel"
"Okay let's talk there"

Well watching the aarti there is so peaceful and fills the body with energy. It would be nice to drive my bike too. It's been so long since I took out my bike at night. I got up and dressed for the temple then with a smile on my face drove to his hostel.

"Wow, everyone seems to be here"
Our whole group was there every boy dressed in kurta and girls in traditional dress. A girl wore saree and that caught my eyes. She was looking beautiful. I approached her.

"I know you are good looking but how many guys are you going to kill with this look"
"Am I looking this horrible?"
"You are looking... I am at loss of word"
I laughed and she also joined me in my laugh.
"I will be riding your bike"
"I am honoured my lady"
"You... Seriously, just look around and stop it for now"
I looked around and everyone were laughing at our conversation. One said
"You two never stop. Stop teasing her always."
"Well, my bad but I just can't hold myself from teasing her."

We all got on our bike and drove to the temple went with all the formalities to enter.

"This place breathes new life in me"
"I thought teasing me was something you enjoyed but it seems I am wrong, poor me" she said
"Come on, without this group I can't enjoy myself anywhere. You guys rock"
We had some casual conversation and were looking forward for that aarti. It began and well that lifted my mood. While the Prasad distribution time she called me. I went to her and asked.
"Do you need something?"
"I want to tell you something "
I closed my ears to her as was very loud she whispered in my ears but I could clearly hear her even in that noise.

"I really love you, and I have loved you for a long time"

It gave me goosebumps and felt like electricity flowed throughout my body. I was too stunned to say anything immediately. I looked into her eyes, it was getting bit moist. I held her hand and took her to where Prasad was getting distributed. I took a tiny bit of Prasad and shared the remaining with her. After she had that I close to her and whispered.

"I hope this answered your confession"

She was confused for a bit but remembering me who is in love with sweets and doesn't share even a bit taking the smallest bit possibly can and giving the rest to her.
She smiled mischievously.

"I want to hear"
"Well then you confessed to me at temple it's only fair if I do so on ganga ghat"

We went to ghat holding hands. There we had something to eat then I answered her confession.

About our group at that time I forgot about them and later they called, we regrouped and kept this a sweet secret between us.

© 0BS3RV3R