

Felt our intentions laying together within the dark hours of night. Listening to her excited cries, echoes of repeating words systematically compiling in size. Like a whisper, satisfying the mind that will ultimately hear. Her intricate expressions tantalizing and clear. Two hearts becomes an envelope saving beautiful words. Intrigued by the sentiments. Amazed with the tone. Gentle fingers touching. The silhouette replies. With moving intentions as time passes by. Effortless competition. Practice pronouncing the rules. Daylight kept waiting. Midnight beneath the moon. Energies infusing. Electrical impulses excite the mind. Closer, nearer, forming two parallel lines. Eyes linking. Gentle words repeating. Dreams become actively involved. Satisfaction overall. Memories racing. Time stands still. Feeling are elated. Starlight fills the room. Sentimental verses of poetry read. Pleasures fed. There's nothing more to say. However, whispers are somehow different. The texture doesn't feel the same. The only thing left is to call out her name. Intentions.
© Daniel Mason