

Story of a wooden plank
Once a child was burying a wooden plank in the mud, soon his mother arrived and took him from the playground. Later she return back to the same place just to know what her child was burying. She removed the mud and wiped the wooden plank. Her eyes filled with tears when she saw the word ‘FRIENDSHIP’ carved on the plank. “How lonely the child is.” She sighed."Oh lord! My child became so hopeless that he made the grave of FRIENDSHIP.”

In the evening when the father asked about the day. The child told him about wooden plank. The father got confused, so he demanded the reason behind it.

The child replied – “I was planting a friendship tree by using the same technique of planting a rose plant. When this tree will grow, the bond between my friends will also become stronger just like a trunk of the tree.”

Choice is yours which way you take your life: a negative way towards the grave or a positive way towards new beginning of tree.
© Amitra