

the rose of life.
Life is a fucking rose bush. Beautiful look at but painful to touch.. Its winding stems riddled with piercing thorns.. It crawls up my body, slowly tearing holes as it does... The pain isnt there tho... I can see it ripping me apart but.. I feel nothing.. And every time I try to move, it tears deeper and deeper into me. All I can do is stand here.. Letting it hurt me. Theres nothing I can do. Im alone here... No one will help... And as it wraps around my neck I simply close my eyes... the beauty of the roses having hypnotislzed me, making me forget what's happening.. And it isnt until it gets to my face that feel the pain... Piercing my heart like serraded daggers... Twisting and moving... am I cursed... Am I destined for a life of loneliness and pain... It certainly seems so.. All the happiness i do End up Feeling Gets stolen from my grasp... Over and over. Nothing seems to matter anymore.. Everything ends up hurting me... I can't fixate my eyes on any light.. Because there's no light to be seen.. Only darkness... And pain.... I long desperately to feel the arms of a lover around me.... But all I feel are these jagged thorns.... Gripping tighter and tighter... Until there's nothing but a tangled mess.. Of pain and misery.....
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