

Many countries are confronting oppression due to a barbarity act. Oppressors had torn their desires and ambitions and flee from the rights of the citizen. There are countless issues which are inextricable and fails to get their solutions. Oppresors are so cruel and brutal that they don't feel sorry even for the children. They kill many youths if these youths bravely take any step against them. Many children loss their parents, many sisters loss thoer brothers and many parents loss their children and these victims wail and mourn on their martyrs. But one day oppression will decline and enlightenment will spread in these countries which is the indication of victory. One day the vivctims will strife against oppression and raise the heads of victims up high in the heavens. One day their fate will predict their victory and oppressors will perish by relishing what they did. Of course, they will mourn and wail in the same way just like victims used to be mourn. One day the oppressors will renounce their kingdom and will be punished for their cruelty. Oppressors will regret but the time will have gone and there will be no avail of repentance and crying and now they can experience the plight of the victims. Oppressors will beseech for forgiveness but everyone will be judged on the basis of equality and they will feel cringed on their behavior.