

Linea From Eris
" We anima hominum were divided into The caeli , aqua and ignus from what our soul desired in the early begining of our kind . The caeli clan had partners which could fly without trouble. the aqua, with partners wich could give the owner unlimited under water breath, and the ignus permitted the owner to not get burned by fire and the partner could create it too....

The door opened "Linea! " "It's time"boomed a happy male voice from the door. "have you read it? "he continued excitedly.
"Yes father!"replaid a female voice plainly from in the room ,Linea, "But right now only till the introduction.dad"
"Well it is customary for us to read the caquanus first but it's fine, come on let's go! "said Linea's dad thoughtfully
Linea jumped of her bed and out of her room. Linea's room was a pretty big room with a rather small bed laid in the middle, the flooring was white plain ,there was a semi circle purple rug on the foot of the bed. in one corner lay a desk with a high tech looking chair,.and in the other corner were some big light blue and pink cushions as a couch. Linea run outside with her dad.

She ran down a few flights of stairs and into a big well furnished room with many people beaming at her "Hi aunt Winnie, Uncle chandler. "Linea said quickly. Then she turned around and saw a whole army of people waiting to meet her. she groaned slightly and hastily met all of the people . Then she came infront of the room and started to talk "Iam so glad you could all make it here for my "perpitmae "....um.....
her dad whispered to her something hastily still beaming "
"Oh yeah"continued Linea "This night I will get my "pet meam" my lifelong companion from that night......Thankyou "
The whole crowd clapped. Linea stepped back and sat down on a sofa near Aunt Jeffie and uncle Jed. "So Linea. who do you think you will be."
said Uncle Jed slowly and without letting her answer he continued "I mean your mother is a caeli and your fathers a ignus. "
"Well uncle Jed you never know I guess we will see at midnight "Replied Linea calmly. Linea was very excited but did not show it as she was very tired . She quietly went to her dad and excused herself to her room and sneaked out of the first part of her perpitmae ,the other part was to be taken at midnight when she got her petmaem. She had not taken in half of the words today she had seen and used."ah I will need to first of all read that.... book that thing.. she thought flustered. "

Linea was a anima hominum on the planet of Eris, Anima hominums were like humans but were usually small but if they were tall they would be very tall, They also were a bit blue in colour and there eyes were usually green or blue. They also didn't have all those features of aliens other people think they would have they were very much like humans just a bit different. AnyWay. anima hominums had a very distinctive feature too . They were always accompanied by a pet meam that is a kind of soul pet if you say. all anima's get a pet meam from the age of ten (which is what you just witnessed right now with Linea) and by midnight their pet meam comes to them and stays by to till death.

This is sample /introduction for a Could be series .if this story gets 20 likes . then I will write a part two then mabey even 3 and make this a series.
