

Chapter 5~ Magic
I entered the white room alongside flame. I transformed back into my human form. Flame kept himself in his wolf form, probably thinking it was his most powerful side. I kept my eyes on him and he kept his wolf eyes on me. I started to fidget with my necklace that he gave to me. His eyes started to soften. I smiled and started pounce on him in my human form. He dodged and pounced back. I kicked him in the gut. He felt to the floor. I started to laugh, then I turned my hands into fists. In my mind something was telling me to open my hands. I listened to it and magic started to form.

Flame ran at me, but I stopped him by pinning him to the white floor. He growled at me as he transformed back into his human form. I held him down really hard, magic formed. Flame looked at me in fear. I smiled an smile he would remember. His showed me he was weak when he fought me. I whispered in his ear and said "checkmate, I won this chess game brother, and don't forget it."

I unpinned him and went to the white door we came in. I pounded my fist. The door opened slowly. I walked though it, I paused to look back to make sure flame was coming. Flame came in wolf form. The guards put handcuffs on my hands and the chain on flame. I walked with him showing no emotion. I looked at every room, some had different animals, one had bunnies, and one had two little wolves with dragon wings. Finally the guards stopped at the playroom and the room I now live in.

One guard drags Flame to the playroom and the other walks me to mine. The guard takes off my handcuffs. I walk in slowly. I looked at the boys. Xe waved his hand at me. I waved back. I walked back to my corner. I sat down and took a big sigh. I think Xe tried to break the silence after the guard left, because he asked "How did it go?” Shadow looked at him with a small glare.

"What? I was just trying to break the quiet." Xe said as shadow rolled his eyes.

"It went as it went. It was really easy to beat my older brother.” I said with a smrik.

Xe eyes showed curiosity and amazement. He scooted closer "please tell us!"

I gave a small cuckle "Alright if want to hear it sooo badly. So there I was in the white room with my older brother in wolf form and I in my normal human form. I pounced at him when I saw his weak spot. He dodged and pounced back. I kicked him in the gut, he fell to the floor. I laughed at him. I turned my hands into fists and something to me to open them. Then suddenly magic formed in my hands like this.” at that very moment magic formed. Xe looked at it with wonder and Shadow looked at it with surprise. The magic was cyan and black. Both colors complimented each other.

"Back to what I was talking about." the magic stopped at that point. My brother ran at me probably thinking that he could tackle me, but I pinned him to the ground. I held him down hard as he transformed back into his human form. Then I whispered in his ear as he look at the magic in my hands with fear. I said checkmate brother I won this chess game, and don't you forget it. I unpinned him and walked off."

Xe looked amazed and Shadow was interested with the magic part. I sat back down. Shadow raised his hand. "Yes shadow? What cha need?” I said with a small smile.

"Do you know who told you to open your fists to form magic?" he said with curiosity.

I shook my head no. I didn't think about it. I just listened to it, like it was calling me. I knew something or someone knew about it. In the back of my head something stirred. I felt a small jolt of pain and just like that, it was gone. I transformed into lynx form and cuddle up with my cat plush. I fell asleep and this time I thought about my magic. I dreamed of what I could do with it.

#Lynx #Werewolf #Magic
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