

Just the odd feeling...
Now as I see myself I'm left with nothing but wonder and fascination. I thought my life is moving so slow or in other way I believed it is just same as how it used to be. Yeah, I knew there has been changes in and around but not change that seemed so significant. Well,somehow I still believe there hasen't been the astonishing change but I guess many things have changed now when I look back.
Today in the morning I got struck with this realization of the shifts in me and honestly I felt sad about it. I remembered, as I grew up like right now I have lost the feeling of getting amused. Nothing seems alarming. Maybe being old has definitely got to do with it. I've lost curiosity in me that use to make me wonder and think how it could happen. Now, if I think about the same thing I laugh about it thinking how stupid I was to think that way but it isn't the bad feeling. Infact, today reminiscing those moments I feel rejoiced and at the same time I also thought do kids these days have the same amount of curiosity like how we used to have because now a days kids seem to know everything. Stupid aah..I guess I'm getting older.
But it's true fact I'm getting older and more weird. I come across so many things which seems more disturbing then the other one. Like food not tasting the same how it used to,places that doesn't feel the same as it used to. Everything tastes different, feels different, smells different and not to mention looks different and when I place myself wanting for things to remain same, it's impossible. Maybe that is the reason why people say live in a moment. Once gone it's lost forever and you will lose the touch of it. Yeah, I know it's painful. God, I hate that I'm old now I wish to be younger.
For someone reading this, I hope you would have somehow thought of the same things as I did. And now if you are doing it I'm happy that maybe you would be reminded of something good hopefully and if not then you have to think of something good. I don't mean to scare you out but you're moment is fleeting too like mine.