

Alphonis Kafel, A Girl With A Dark Secret. Chapter Eight: A Terror-fying Experiance.
I was teleported to a much cooler place, and one with no ground so we were floating in the air. Stars were all around us and a massive crystaled asteroid was in front of us. I hovered in the air less space and realized we were still breathing without oxygen. Before I could ask how, a loud screech interrupted my thoughts. I looked to see a small black creature that had two strange wings, teeth and claws that looked longer than its body, and a long tail with a stinger on its end come out of a hole in the asteroid and used its wings to guide its way through space quickly to us. "What is that?" I asked in thought. "That is a Terror." the amulet replied in thought. "Hmmm, Iss began to doubt youss come, why iss so latess?" the Terror asked in a hissy voice then sniffed at us. "It's a long story but how many are left?" my other side anwsered. "Mmm, wess been doing finess by feeding offss your armiesss, theyss need helpss. Youss havn't beens home for a whilesss right?" "Yes, can you bring out the alpha?" she asked. "Asesss you wishess my queen." it said as it sniffed at us again then went back to the asteroid. "I wish my food called me queen." I said then chuckled. "How does it speak English?" I asked. "It doesn't, you have connected enough to the amulet to translate any language into what you know best." my other side anwsered. The Terror came out then a bigger Terror with long silver horns and a dark grey mane came out behind the first. "Hmm, you're late but I'm glad you came." he said with a very dark voice and with more growl than a hiss to his voice. "Mmm hmm." my other side replied. He sniffed at us as well which made me uncomfortable. "Mmm, I have more than I need right now, soo how hungry may you be?" he asked as he looked up at oír eyes. "Quite since I've been missing out." she replied. "I can tell... but why do you smell... off?" he asked suspiciously. I've been to new places, soo I guess the smells haven't worn off yet." she said calmly without any hint of anything to give her away. "Okay." he said then raised his head and did four long trilling sounds. I made our ears go sideways then up when my other side still felt calm. Many trills called back then many Terrors came out and seemed to go into order like wolves ready for a hunt. They were all different sizes and distinctly different from another, none were as large as the alpha. The alpha then said as he tapped on our amulet, "Don't forget to check on your army once your done, they need your help as I'm sure you know." he backed away as I felt my other side become curious, which was rare. The alpha backed away as most of the others charged. Screeches filled the soundless space around us as I let my other side have full control of this odd ritual of hers. She grabbed many at a time them swallowed them whole, they liked this somehow. I wondered why but I could guess it was boredom and they want to eat the best food ever before death. Their bites weren't painful as they bit different parts of our body because of our long and sharp scales. The fight was probably less than ten minutes long as she devoured all that charged. then looked back at the alpha. "See you soon again I hope." he said then turned back with the rest to the asteroid. My other side felt relieved and oddly I did too. They actually weren't that bad for horrifying parasytes. "Why do they want to die?" I asked. "Because some don't die emmediately. Half to over half get dijested right when they are in any of stomachs but some don't for some time and get to feast and reproduce. So it's a two way benefit as you humans say." she replied. "Wow aliens are weird." I said as I tried to take all of those words out of my mind. "We need to get to our army, amulet, what's going on?" she asked. "Yes, I mean't to warn you... we have an ambush from multiple species like five Vicrates, three Shadow Terrors, five Kuitars, and two Sinister Razure Terrors." it anwsered. "This was timed..." my other side said then growled as we teleported.
© Alphonis Kafel