

Alphonis Kafel, A Girl With A Dark Secret. Chapter Eight: A Terror-fying Experiance.
I was teleported to a much cooler place, and one with no ground so we were floating in the air. Stars were all around us and a massive crystaled asteroid was in front of us. I hovered in the air less space and realized we were still breathing without oxygen. Before I could ask how, a loud screech interrupted my thoughts. I looked to see a small black creature that had two strange wings, teeth and claws that looked longer than its body, and a long tail with a stinger on its end come out of a hole in the asteroid and used its wings to guide its way through space quickly to us. "What is that?" I asked in thought. "That is a Terror." the amulet replied in thought. "Hmmm, Iss began to doubt youss come, why iss so latess?" the Terror asked in a hissy voice then sniffed at us. "It's a long story but how many are left?" my other side anwsered. "Mmm, wess been doing finess by feeding offss your armiesss, theyss need helpss. Youss havn't beens home for a whilesss right?" "Yes, can you bring out the...