

Who's Running Your Camera
Inside my camera there was more
then I though
you could see everything
And it would freeze
the shot.
But it was wrong oh So wrong
And it would sneaky
What jumped over the concert
so it would not be wild
it was a thing but so much so
1 could look at it and know it was
not how it should be
they didn't beleave
And then they start going wild
flying all around the halls night
And day.
But out side was a bunch of women
And the guys thought it was fun
but it was not fun
And I had been through so much
that I just put myself in my 📷
so I was short and I got in my camera
And then the world became
a situation which was really not to be
on camera but some times life don't
got the way you want it. But it's not
surpose to go hey wire either that
somebody can in do by doing a million events of wrong to one person then you
get evil walk and slapping everybody
with her mouth. As they like oh I didn't
know that. And then you in the camera then you see the same stuff and you figure that. Oh no not again everybody wielding let me take a pic.
© lashes