

Old Man's Mirror (Part 1)
There was once an aged man living on the outskirt of a town. This man is well known for his mirror which could tell people's personality and what is hindering them from being successful. A lot of people had been to this man, checked themselves in the mirror, seen what they really are, known how to correct their wrongs and had become immensely rich.

The old man had a son who was so unfortunate but had refused to look in the mirror. He refused to heed to his father's advice.

The king who ruled over the town and its neighbouring ones had four sons who were quadruplets and as the king was at his old age, he had to choose his heir but that was a hard choice to make as he made no preference and loved them equally. His sons were all valiant warriors, noble, patriotic, learned and of great sagacity. The king could not think of a better way to choose his heir than to send them to the old man's mirror. He knew the mirror would have the best answer.

The four princes set on a journey to the distant town after the king had sent a message to the old man that his sons would be there. The old man's wife prepared a feast to receive them.

When the princes arrived, it was late in the night already so they just slept in the room which belonged to the old man's son. The old man's son had been asked to vacate his room for the princes.

The old man's son sneaked into his father's secret room for the mirror and checked himself in it. On seeing the result, he cried and stole out of the house.

When the princes woke up the next morning, they discovered how tense the atmosphere was. The old couple looked bothered. The princes asked them what was wrong but they said all was well.

After taking their baths and eating their breakfasts, the old man let the princes rest. Later, he took them to the secret room and there, the old man realised that someone had been there behind him. At first, he thought the princes had tricked him but he knew they were men of integrity. After a while, he became sure that it was his son that had been there. He then concluded that he left because of what reflected in the mirror.

The first son, Prince Jaiye, moved closer to the mirror while others stood at the door. As the image reflected in the mirror, he screamed.

"My prince, what's the result?"
"I have horns! Those antlers curled out of my temples."
"No problem, my prince. You can return here."

Prince Jaiye joined them at the door. "What's the meaning?"
"Let others checked theirs first."

The second son, Prince Eze, moved closer to the mirror and it reflected a goat.
"What! I'm a goat?"
"No problem, my prince."

The third son, Prince Anas, moved closer to the mirror and checked. "I'm a sheep! A white sheep without blemish!"
His brothers marvelled. "A sheep?"
"Alright, my prince."

The last son, Prince Ade, moved closer to the mirror and checked. "Wow! An angel in dazzling white robe."
"It's alright, my prince."

The old man led the four princes out of the secret chamber. The five sat together on different stools outside the house while facing a hill and a thicket.

“I will give you the meaning now,” the old man started. "First, I need you to know that what you saw isn't talking about your today, it is about how you'll rule in the future."
"Okay, old one."
"Prince Jaiye will rule like a demon, a very heartless king if he becomes the king."
"Prince Eze will rule as a king that won't listen to others. He'd be stubborn and treat others as he likes. Whatever decision he makes, whether good or bad, no one can make him change it. He won't listen to others even though he may not be cruel but his stubborn acts would not help anyone.
Prince Anas would be a good king but he'd be easily swayed by others. While Prince Eze will be stubborn, Prince Anas will be too yielding.
And as for Prince Ade, he'd be a very good king, totally blameless. He'd be too kind but kingship does not require too much of that. It requires a bit of stubbornness too. In conclusion, Prince Ade is the best candidate."

To be continued...

© Imole Olusanya