

Life's Battles~ Bring unseen scars
Life's Battles ~ Bring unseen scars.

Smiles && Tears.
Heartache && Fear we all experience this in so many different forms threw out the entirely of our lives....One day happy the next day crushed..is just apart of the course.....Life's a maze....We all run blindly on... Not ever realizing that being unable to hold on to your sanity doesn't have to be so terrifying....It goes & comes because that's the design it was created to do....It was never your for the taking.....Just enjoy it well you have it && it's your turn to care for it....It's ones of life's little gifts, a little nugget of hope when the ups & downs are just to extreme..Life is like a fairytale godmother.....Who will protect you even when you aren't always aware.. Things happen to us & sometimes & we go absolutely crazy....We feel so out of control & desperate to find a tight grisp..
We lose even more control because instead of enjoying the moments we are losing.......
Therefore losing even more of it......Not everything is essential & meant to be apart of our journey from start to end...or middle to done.....Some people are engery we need...What is meant for us for different reasons at different times....
&& this is why life provides us with people who come & go.......We as humans beings crave it all........But are souls aren't the same.......It's simplicity that brings true eternal happiness.......
then in return having less then we started.....We are never truly satisfied with only a piece of happiness....then in return having less then we started.... We are never truly satisfied with only a piece of happiness....our flesh is temptation & we crave greatness....That's why life's lessons are always the complete opposite of that!!" As that grip your trying to hold onto so desperately onto to starts to slip... Remember, that is the moment when you are going to either hold on to a piece of your happiness & joy.....or let go because you didn't want to lose any part of it...... Selfishly we have a dark desire for it all.... Being vein is one of the worst things you can do.......
To try and make some one jealous of you...... When this happens to you again because it will....The anxiety will start slowly ...it's like a soup on the stove cooking warming up... it might not burn you and leave scars that Eternally will fill you.....
That's Karma.....She's good at what she does to.............Panic & dwelling for time & time again upon no end....
Wasting the precious minutes that we are so inconscencly not thinking about......We only get so many days to live......So many minutes & so many hours...........The day we are delivered from our mothers wombs,We are given each a different timer.......There a certain amount of time that we are each assigned.....No adding or taking away from this is possible......We all come to the wall......That huge brick wall........That is sooo hard...&& unbreakable....You can't go over & going around will take more time then you have to offer..... Depleted eternierly is a feeling that looms everyone walking earth's roads of journeys..&& beauty.....it's a factor you don't get the pleasure of excaping....You have to walk the same path as the ones before you......It's life's rule.....No one is better then....The moment you start to put yourself above.... Remember an eye is a always on the watch && a hand is always in a pocket.......
This is earth's and life's creation.....and we connect to the fullest with every element of it....Even if we are so unaware of it..............
Find things that speak to your soul...... You'll always know when your soul....You'll always know when your soul connects with something that's it's supposed to...
Its a unspoken sensation....You desire & long for it because your soul knows you need it....
Your mind needs to be good......That will bring you more beauty.....Calmess brings great focus && engery...........
Fear fills our hearts & squeezes as we have to literally battle it to get it back .....Our sanity we don't get to protect & put away in a safe place......It's a ear between our hearts && minds coming together &try to win for the same sanity but only one can have a turn at a time...... Although we might feel so happy & relaxed....
With no awarenesses we'll lose it all within moments....If you don't know what's for you....Life will gift to another who will be thankful & grateful.............,...................................
............ Kindnesses Always gets you back on the right back..........................
Being kind & generous with your words & actions is the strongest form of contention to the ones soul...Soo many great nuturing abilities you are going to receive by the this solo action alone........Be AlwaysAlways Kind.........
you gain from this one action sooo much that can further your minds eye to see life's as it truly is............. Putting a smile & being there for others in there moments in time of need...Even tho when every part of you just wants to scream....No!!!!" Empathy is another higher trait.......When you feel like not everyone gets you??" Even tho you opened your heart & let them in.... Some are just not on the same level where they can experience the same emotions in deapths......Their own personal journey hasn't went threw the same cycles that you have......And it's true not everyone has empathy.....it's a gift.........................................

As happiness comes & goes like a huge wave at times....The ground is never solid ...........So the waves crash && crash.........Then by taking that on.....That is inviting kits a real headthinker lol......Alot of people who don't know doubt......&& I'm just at the place where everything I preach... I practice && live not only everyday but threw out each moment I get this gift if life................. Timers go off all the time..... I want to be humble.......&& not ungrateful.....it's hard ....but I forgive you .....
Words of affirmation is such a great gift to give others....It build strong bounds also... because when you compliment someone 4x everytime you see them...That feeling lives on....And grows stronger & stronger with every interaction between the two....I always say something sweet && , personal.....
Directing the kind words straight to only them...Then about their eternal look.... Always before you leave someone no matter who it may be....The lady behind the counter at he checkout line as you pay for your dinner tonight....Say positive & complainent...Then turn around and see you if you can find a opening...if you can't find one then you create one....... Kindnesses Always gets you back..............
((Remember that)) it's a tool you must find a within yourself.... From the people who live under the same roof as you to the stranger you just encountered...... Always a kind word at the first hello.....&& one Durning conversation.....&& find 2kimd things to say before you part ways...........
...........It's those gentle gifts of Kindnesses that open your heart to a pure love and appreciation for what life wants you to have........&& the greatest feeling truly feeling complements && joy....Bliss... happiness.......

.......................... Another thing I wanted to remind you about is the change of the waves && pull....Earth is so grand but what we all don't know is how much intertwinering is truly is ........The elements that are around us & the elements that are here on earth out of all galaxies planets and space...Both empty & filled......We are here......that was designed by the great will.....& that's why we have so much emotions that run threw........ Complicated doesn't have to be a place that you are destin to...............So we do not at times have a harder~ stronger struggle we are very unaware of............We then are able to form a barrier of protection instead of destruction......Years are lost, sometimes ((most times then not))
That is a common reoccurring theme threw out people's homes...Not knowing why they feel so unhappy...So defensive....&& even defeated is one of the objectives you'll experience in this cycle....then a strong will to survive will arrive....No more life's test.....let downs....tears...... frustration.... You hate every accept of everything && are desperately needing a new excape....... Excaping ((running away)))) although people truly believe running from their "promblems" like they just don't run right after them..... they do!!!" They always do!!!" Promblems chase you faster than you can run......You need to find a mend on who you are & who want to be.....
Mending the two isn't easy or everyone would be walking around like just won the 100million dollar lottery........So when you find guinne happy souls just know they found their inner peace........A search that not all meet what they are fully heartly in it for......Some people are empty vessels... && that's ok to .....Winding roads are good for some but for me I want pure love & true happiness... My lessons definitely are proof on this..........
................Love and Kindness.................
....... Written by ~ Sabrina Marie

© SabrinaMarie