

Allhallow (the pilot of my story)
The moon was full and stars filled the night sky. Neighbors of all ages were out and about in costumes. Knocking door to door for some halloween treats. Each house is decorated in ghouls, goblins and monsters of old. Every halloween is this way, overflowing with buckets of treats, houses decorated every square inch in the ancient halloween way, and people walking around as monsters that date back hundreds of years, but tonight is different in a way that hasn’t been seen in thousands of years.

Everyone has heard tales of the monsters that have been said to lurk in the depths of lakes, the darkness of forests, the abyss under beds, and in the hidden places in attics and basements, but, have you heard of the tale that the people of today have forgotten about? Of course not because the tale of today's youth is just not the same as it was so long ago, back before the age of blood thirsty vampires and horribly wrapped mummies. Before the crisis of the undead brain hungry zombies and guck slime oozing monsters.

This dates back in the years of old, years before man destroyed the earth, where the planet thrived with the most peculiar of creatures. When titans sought to rule the earth with an iron first, when giants were no mere flick of imagination and greek gods have yet to exist. The tale of “Allhallow”, an ancient creature ruled up from the bowels of the earth, and nearly destroyed earth completely due to the mere hatred he had for the titans, giants and creatures that too walked the earth.

You learn in history that “all hallows eve” dates back somewhere in the 1570’s where people praised and welcomed their dead loved ones and went door to door seeking offerings for their past relatives. What if I was to tell you that this isn’t how it all started? That Allhallow is the one that brought “Halloween” to the world today? Maybe not to what it looks like today but the way it was first brought to the eyes of man. Allhallow, the father of halloween, a tale that's been lost to the sands of time. Would you like to bring back this ancient wonder? Travel back with me to a sight of a hollow earth, a rock like ball floating in the emptiness of space and time. We’ve all heard the story of Uranus and Gaea, the first titans that were then given 12 miracles, 12 descendants to rule over Earth and bring it to life. The story tells lies for there were not 12 but 13 children given the world to look after.

Allhollow was the first descendant of Uranus and Gaea, their first child to come onto the scene. Uranus and Gaea watched as their son played on the empty grounds of earth, slowly turning everything into magma, ruble, and ash. Uranus looked at their child in fear and demanded for him to be replaced, but where Uranus saw destruction, Gaea saw life, nevertheless she gave Uranus 12 more descendants to watch over Earth, and as quickly as Allhollow appeared, he had gone. Oceanus and Themis exiled their eldest sibling to the very place he came from, the center of the Earth nearly killing him in the process. Their mother Gaea, in fear of losing her first son, put Allhallow to a forever sleep, so he may live and be without pain or fear of his younger siblings. In doing so Gaea had given him some of her power, and with this Allhallow changed her spell, in giving him a clock, a set time for when he will return and seek revenge on his siblings.

Eons later, Allhollow awoke from his slumber but could not free himself from the darkness his siblings had trapped him in. So, to see the world above he created his form of eyes and ears. These creatures took many forms and some you might know. He first sent gangly blood thirsty vampires as his eyes to seek what the world wasnow like. Together they saw that the titans had all but vanished, with their descendants, as gods, and their descendants as the creatures that now roamed the earth. In rage, Allhallow sent more creatures after the world above, the first breed of lycans as his ears. After hearing the tongue of the new world he sought to learn what it is like to be one, so slowly he possessed the bodies of the dead, creating brain hungry zombies in some parts of the world and spread himself to the far reaches and created mummies.

Many believed that the undead was created after a witches spell, a horrible disease or ancient curse, but now you know the truth behind the eyes of the undead. Allhallow however did find one great grandson quite interesting. Hades, an outsider casted to the underworld, just like him. In empathy Allhallow sent a particular creature to Hades in the sense of an offering. He sent hima form a reaper, forged from his own skin and bone. A worker to make Hades immortal existence, not as lonely. Hades took his offering and in return sought a way to free Allhallow from his eternal prison. Looking back in time, Hades discovered the gift his great grandmother had given Allhallow, in order to “reactivate” such power Allhallow needed the souls of the living world.

Hades sought to forge the weapon of his father, a powerful scythe, to gain the power to collect every soul in the living world all at once. To do so he needed to gain the weapons of every living relative he had left. Word flew to every god in Olympus, each god chose an heir to stop Hades and in return they would take their rightful place in the paradise of olympus. Many of the descendants tried, but none prevailed. Hercules, Theseus, Perseus, Orpheus, Minus, Aganor.

Over time the two became both myth and legend and the world forgot they ever existed.

© FragmentsInTheWind