

Welcoming back: Motivation and inspiration...
Hi there. I'm Tyler Jafta and I'm officially back on Writco.
I joined this app to help motivate, encourage and inspire people. I enjoy doing this because it's like a passion to me.

I would like to say to everyone. Thank you for reading all my stories, quotes and poems, I know it's not much but it means a lot to me and I'm grateful.

To those who are going through a lot of things like depression, anxiety, family, friends and even relationship problems, dealing with the loss of people, are not doing or feeling well and who's not happy with their lives.

I want to say one thing, never give up, you can get through anything that life puts you through, you might not feel motivated or encouraged. you might not feel worthy or happy. you might be insecure and depressed but it does not define you. It does not make you are.
You have a purpose in this world. This is a crucial world. It will knock you down but you need to be strong enough to get back up and show the world who you are.

God placed you here on earth to be who you are truly meant to be. He gave you a purpose for this life. He gave you life, He loves you and wants you to never give up. He says, your blessings are coming, your struggles and problems and worries are gone,leave to him, give him the chance to help you to fix you to give you the life and happiness you deserve. He wants you to rest and let him do it all for you.

To all the teenagers and adults going through so much in life right now, Never ever give up on yourself or this life. Be happy, do the best of your abilities, be alive... live in the moment and enjoy your life. Life really is short so never waste the time you have... never be afraid of your fears. Never fight your silent battles. Never hurt yourself. Never question your worth or lifestyle. Never doubt God and Never ever let people define who you are.

I love you and no matter what happens, always have faith, hope and place all your battles,problems, worries, troubles, battles even the silent ones... place it all in God's hands. He loves you and wants you to place your life in his hands. He wants to protect and provide for you.

He wants you to find peace and happiness and wants you to be blessed.

So. I ask all of you to trust God and let him help you.

If you want to talk to me about anything, if you need advice, I'm here to help.
Never be ashamed of asking me for help.
It's one of the main reasons why I joined here.

Enjoy the rest of your day and weekend further. Stay blessed and safe
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