

musu tear drop (microscopic view)

It was a true love story day
And musu was in her lab

Musu checked her tear drop
On a microscopic slide

It looked
more precious than pearls
More beautiful than peacock
ka Feather ocellus
More numinous like God aura
More stunning like tulips

It looked
More amazing like the snow flakes
More alluring like the diamond
More majestic like heaven light
More awesome like God presence

It looked
More phenomenal like rainbow
More remarkable like God halo
More intricate like dimensions
More sublime like her own soul

It looked
More fragrance like rose
More abundant like God mercy
More infinity like true love
More mysterious like God

Musu tear drop
tells about
Her soft heart nature
Her merciful soul
Her pure spirit
Her angelic beauty
her Beautiful love story

But God collected musu tears
In a bottle ..and sprinkled them
On the earth ...they became
Most beautiful Indian ocean
