

"The blood island " (Genocide of Tamils)
This is a story which is based on a true event which was happened in a beautiful country called srilanka. Srilanka is a tropical island separated from India but shares a comman ocean. Srilanka Has the written history of around 2500 years old. There are many ethnic groups in srilanka Like India. The three main ethnic groups are Sinhalese, Tamil and Muslims. Sinhalese and Tamils they both trace back their history to India thousand years back. But there was always been the fight amongst them who came first to the island nation of srilanka. At first the island nation was ruled by the South Indian Kingdoms for several hundred years and then later it was conquered by the colonial empires. The colonial powers Fragmented the society and divided them further. After gaining the independence from the Britishers. Srilanka renamed it send to its old name from Ceylon to srilanka.
The Sinhalese who are the dominant group in srilanka they comprise around 70 percent of the total population in srilanka while the Tamil population they comprise of 12 percent of the population. This fight between the Sinhalese and Tamil goes back to thousand years back. But it really Got out of control in late 50s When the country official language was declared as sinhala only. English And tamil language were marginalised. Due to this marginalistion tamil people were disenfranchised. Most of them lost their jobs.
On late 80s in 1983 there was a program against the tamil people where 2000 people were killed that day was called as "BLACK JULY".Because The riot was began when the cultural library was burnt and the manuscript of the tamil literatures a was burnt into ashes. Due to this provocation there were resentment among tamil community some of them stared their own groups and formed the LTTE (Liberation tiger of tamil ellam). The civil war went for about 30years.where more than 150000 people are dead and more than 30000 are still missing the civil war was ended in 2009.By the defeat of the LTTE.
After this 3 decade of war srilanka is building up their economy and people are trying to live with peace and coexistence.