

Letter to my Bestfriend!
Dear Bestfriend,
I still remember the day when I first saw you. It was 2nd grade, when I gazed at you. You were my bench mate. Ever since then your image was stuck in my head.
Maybe it was the click I felt. Then after we were always together-forever. You were my best friend, the one I can count to, whenever I want to. Even when we parted ways after 10th, you never left my heart. I still remember you girl, mischievous and full of life. You were my bestest. Through these years we grew , No matter how rarely we spoke, but we never fell apart.
Our friendship kept going, we didn't even realise when we were into its full depth. We always thought there's still more to know about each other. That's why we never run out of words. We always have something to share. We always made moments.
We parted during college days. We were young, stupid, eager to make mistakes, yet we had each other's back.
I really appreciate you being with me, guiding me, understanding me. You have been so patient with me. You never gave up on me. I am glad you came into my life, I am glad I took the chance, I am glad for being loved by you, for your loyalty and sincerity, For your kindness and patience. I hope this journey never ends. I look forward to this friendship until the world ends.

Yours truly,
Dearest friend.
© min-min