

Which way to Go?
Write a story about a time-train. You're standing right in the midst of a railroad track.There are two sides to every story: One that is positive and the other is negative. You have to choose between two sides, but you have no idea which one is which.

While she walked on her new found journey she came up on a railroad track any other person would've just walked over it and kept going. Not Her. Her alone with her one bag clutched in her left hand. She stopped st this railroad track and noticed one led to the left and the other veered off to the right. She suddenly didn't know which way to go. She thought to herself looking down at the tracks and thought on how many times her life made her choose to the left or go to the right. There are two sides to every story.

Her final decision in past occurrences sounded good at the moment but ended up being the direction she shouldn't have went in. The directuon she chose in her past life experiences only brought about more strife in her life. She was tired in every fashion of finding out the hard way. Her approach, her heart, her motive not harmful at all.

Walking away from toxic people and now alone had sides of both positive and negative in her opinion.

Which way would she go? Which way should she go?

She knew that this journey was more personal this time. This time, this journey would relieve her from the pressures of being what everyone else needed her to be. Now, she was peaceful and free to think slow.

She had nothing to fear. There would be nothing that she will find this time other than her own self..Who did she want to become?

She chose to keep straight, believing that all her wants and desires were straight ahead all she had to do was believe in herself and keep going.

Peace, Love, and Blessings to YOU.

PLEASE follow me on my Medium profile and read so many more inspirational and true stories that I've written. Thank you


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