

This short worded reality though exhorbitant, is one of those lost memories that have an intimate relation with my heart.So it was probably 2007; when I had just started schooling at the school near to my house.
One day at departure time, there at the door stood a younger version of Mine looking for my slippers.Nevertheless I tried I couldn't find it. So thwarted I left for home displeased.
But I never knew it is going to be a catchy day for Me...for My whole life.
Now, when I setelled at home nd was doing what I don't remember now; a soft beautiful voice called My name from outside the home.
when I went out to see, it was HER.
She looked at me in nd then zipping Her bag open, she pulled out My...My slippers.
You had lost them na!
After You left I searched for them nd shen handed them to Me.
She grinned. I smiled back nd she left the place...but SHE never left My heart nd will NEVER...
© mahi1495