

the war within myself..
What is life..? I post so much about how to fight it.. I preach every day about how to stay strong and to climb out of the pit it throws you in... But the truth is.. I have no idea.. I know it isn't easy.. That you cant just walk through it.. I make so many people see everything so differently.. I try to hard to push light into peoples lives but.. Behind the scenes... Once the curtains closed... Im just a sad.. Scared... Confused man... Ive been through so much and wandered for so long trying find the answers... Im not sure what is going to happen.... Im not sure how i can survive..... I feel so alone... Every day.. My heart is so beaten.... Battered by the stresses of life.... Im so broken it isnt even funny... Im so scared that i cant even focus on the things i love to do.... I just want to stop being so stressed.... Everything would be so much easier if i could just come home and see someone lying there... waiting for me.. My mind has been a brutal battlefield.. The front lines of a war against myself... Every day bombs explode inside me and i find myself seperated... Not just from myself, but from everything.. My happiness.. My confidence.. My hopes, my strength... Im my own casualty of the conflict within my self.... all i can do is stand up again and await the next bullet... Everything i once held so tightly has crumbled in my hand.. Turning to dust and dissapating into the air.. Leaving me to desperately grasp at nothing... 
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