

an introductory piece
Hello, Writco fam!

I’ve noticed many from the Poetizer community (where I’ve migrated from) writing introductions. I thought I’d do the same—especially after seeing how Writco has so warmly greeted us Poetizers, and taken us in as their own! 😊

Okay, so. Let’s see. My name is Brandi. Hi! *waves* I’m 33 years old. Born, raised, & still residing in the DC/Maryland/Virginia (DMV) area, United States.

I’m very “hippie-dippie” - I own a metaphysical shop, read Tarot, collect crystals… all that good stuff. I also help my mom manage rental properties.

We all have our struggles… and I am no exception. I’ve struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a teen, though things do seem to be improving these days. For that, I am immensely grateful. I possess a plethora of neurological issues that I’m currently trying to work out with my primary care doc. My heart goes out to all of you who are also living with chronic illness.

My Keralite friend (shout-out to the grand country that is INDIA) recently introduced me to Vedic chants, and I haven’t looked back since. I listen to them every day now, and love the YouTube channel: Mahakatha~ Vedic chants heal in countless ways—just wanted to recommend them to anyone who could use a top up on their cup of Hope 🙏

Topics I tend to write about—it’s a mixed bag, really. I write about my life and other non-fiction, as well as fiction… I love to write about love. I’m a hopeless romantic who has been single since birth, ha! Get that! I follow my heart and write about whatever interests me. I just cannot—like, I am *incapable of* sticking to any one theme. I just can’t do it. My hodgepodge nature is not for everyone… but for those of you who dig it, I thank you so much 🥹🙏

I’m a Gemini if ya believe in that sort of thing. I do, and could rattle on about astrology until the cows come home (for a very long time). 🐄 I’m also an INFJ-T Myers-Briggs personality type. And I’m an enneagram Type 4. Life path 5 OK ok I told you, I’m hippie-dippie! 😂😉

I have an infinite number of interests and hobbies. Lover of art, Bollywood (SHAH RUKH KHANNN), desserts, good conversation, hiking, history, learning new languages, period films & TV, reading, silent films, spirituality, traveling, world cultures, and, of course, writing.

To all in the past who have supported me, thank you. To all who currently support me, thank you. To all in the future who may support me, thank you. Appreciate you. Love you.

Namaste 🙏

Brandi xoxo


photo credit:
Lance Reis // Unsplash 📷